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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. In Breaking Bad, people reallt hate the scene where Skyler smokes while she is pregnant . . . but it just makes me crave a cigarette. 🚬🤤
  2. Ew, nabs is a trash goblin, but I think even he has standards sexually.
  3. That was Gemini. Nabs would have lingered for as long as possible.
  4. Uh, well all I can say is that Canadian passive aggression is nothing compared to Japanese passive aggression.
  5. Who needs pickup lines when you have a kawaii Lolita dakimakura waifu?
  6. Back to work beetch.
  7. I think this would piss Quebec off more than becoming part of the US . . .
  8. Wasn't Fiona kept in a tower in a volcano? I thought one would be more sympathetic considering . . . oh right, never mind.
  9. Chicken biryani, the fidst time this year. My mouth is on 🔥
  10. You seriously made a second thread about this stupid fucking subject.
  11. I'm glad Gen Z gives shitty customer service. Their wages are absolute shit and many are barely trained and working on skeleton crews. These boomers who lived during a time when all the cashier lines were manned can complain all they want if they wanna blame young people instead of greedy ass corporations that are directly responsible for ruining contemporary retail experiences.
  12. I suppose you're referring to Packard's crap, as nothing else here really is all that "controversial" these days. It's hardly a battle royale that warrants a theme; just an idiot with no shame being a side show.
  13. Well, looks like this one's going through the ringer after all . . .
  14. Hush, Tim and Eric is a misunderstood masterpiece. . . . I do really like Moral Orel, but I suppose it's not as fleshed out as Venture Brothers.
  15. I heard he had sex with leathur rok that one time you brought her over.
  16. I think he just didn't like interacting with you. He wasn't afraid of you.
  17. In many ways, no wonder I became friends with fuggs. 😑
  18. I'm merely entertaining the idea and the repurcussions of it. I already stated earlier that I don't think annexation is gonna happen. My take is nowhere near the worst on this matter, and you know that.
  19. And I'm saying Quebecois culture would be conflated with anything French. They would definitely double down on preserving the French language, and we know the general American attitude toward anything that isn't English. Puerto Rico has the benefit of being an island that creates distance from the mainland. Quebec is not as fortunate.
  20. I mean, Quebec separatism already exists, and it is much stronger than something like Texas or California wanting to leave the union. I think under American rule, resistance may be extreme to the point of terrorism, albeit only committed by fringe minded people.
  21. I don't care that it's probably a futile effort and that I don't like him. I think it's criminal that a system exists where one would think that's a viable option, especially over something as essential as healthcare.
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