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Everything posted by Nablonsky

  1. No dad is still better than a bad dad.
  2. Montaneity
  3. Celts are trash. They need to get Jordan Poole more shots. About to watch game 4, I spoiled myself on the final score but o well.
  4. Virginia and East Virginia
  5. Idk who this is but I like her on this album. "You're just a hobby Holly"
  6. It's true, regardless whatever cope anyone wants to hide behind about how of course the Republicans wouldn't do anything any better -- Things are bad and getting worse for people and the Dems haven't given anyone a reason to leave the house and vote for them. They really haven't done anything they campaigned on, and they've done the complete opposite of many things that were promised, and all they can offer up now is fake tears and excuses, in between talking about how important bipartisanship with Republicans is and why we need the filibuster forever and how much respect we all should have for broken and undemocratic institutions like the Senate and the *EXACTLY 9-JUSTICE SUPREME COURT, NEVER ANY MORE THAN THAT, QUIT ASKING* BTFO.
  7. Liars, cowards, and clowns. Aka, cops. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/09/uvalde-chief-pete-arredondo-interview/
  8. What a ridiculous question. Who in their right mind would say yes to this? Why would you even ask this, where are you even getting this shit? Are you literally just trolling? "I don't know, you seem pretty against everything America is doing over there!!" "Is the war in Ukraine good? Is it good that Russia invaded Ukraine, do you support that invasion you Putinist?" This doesn't even warrant a response but you gone one anyway because I'm just that magnanimous. But wtf, though.
  9. No, of course not. This is just trolling.
  10. Not a bad idea. Doesn't AS still have GITS SAC and 2nd Gig on their site? I would watch those again.
  11. This is trash to me. 2 hours of Naruto and One Piece? Just put on wrestling and Big O at that point, this really isn't that hard.
  12. Yep, all the Democrats have done for the last two years is try to out-cop the right wing. As if anybody gains anything, themselves included, for trying to out-Law And Order the Republicans, it's fucking disgusting. https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/uvalde-texas-shooting-father-eliahna-cruz-torres-funeral-kim-kardashian-plea Totally irredeemable ghouls that make up this administration.
  13. Just watched the MJF promo. Legend.
  14. A human being not only having biases and opinions, but sharing them in communication with other humans?!? Where are the real mods to address this biased opinionated travesty of an internet post !!!
  15. The totality of the Dems' failure over the last year and a half is jaw dropping, and of course it starts at the top of the Biden admin, where no part let alone the whole of the fake "build back better" agenda was ever an actual priority. Biden is a decrepit conservative corpse, just like the DNC and its hyper-rich donors who he represents. Cry about the rotating villains assigned to block the fanfiction legislation that was only ever meant to serve as sheepherding campaign fodder all you want, but at some point you have to show you actually care by doing something about it. And no, you don't in fact need any votes in Congress to do a great many of the things that simply aren't being done. Dems will lose because Dems are losers. Sorry, wish it weren't the case but we know by now that this is pathological. This is who they are. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/09/bernie-sanders-democrats-midterms-00038183
  16. The lack of humanity on display.
  17. Ending in Draymond green fouling out and curry hobbling around hurt. JFC
  18. Marcus Smart with an iconic FIRST TEAM ALL DEFENSE moment.
  19. "A 7 point possession for the Warriors!" Hoooooooly shit this game.
  20. Christ now I just remembered that sickening Matt Hardy head injury way back after he left WWE the first time and was doing some ECW reunion show in Philly or NY and laid there for like 20 minutes while they tried to improv and act like everything was normal, I guess hoping he would eventually get up and be able to do something.....?? Where sandman came out and caned a bunch of people, saw that Matt had an extremely visible and serious head injury and was like WTF, stalled for awhile before leaving, and then came BACK out to do the exact same routine that he just did all over again. Then like a week later Matt was like yeah hahaha I was pretty messed up, rock and roll
  21. Jesus Christ that Jeff Hardy concussion story. It's the same exact thing that happened with Matt that time Sammy almost killed him. He got a serious head injury early in the match, was visibly disoriented and fucked up, briefly checked out by "Aew medical officials" or w/e and then allowed to continue the match which included doing extremely dangerous high dive shit outside of the ring. The best case scenario here is that there was no injury and Jeff was splayed out on drugs and they chose to just do the match with him in that state because the YB's don't have as much common sense as Sting does. That is the best case scenario. What an awful company practice we've seen them employ several times now. And on the night of the Owen Hart tournament final? The NIGHT of the Owen Hart tournament.
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