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Everything posted by Nablonsky

  1. Nablonsky


  2. I am glad meddings is here. Welcome meddings
  3. Everybody always has very good reasons for why the USA constantly needs to conduct new regime change wars continents away and reduce entire countries to lawless semi-permanent war zones. Only America is ever allowed to use its military to attack other countries, Russia doing so is absolutely intolerable, and it would be better for Ukraine to be completely destroyed than to cede one inch to Putin, according to you people.
  4. https://jacobin.com/2022/05/peace-talks-diplomacy-negotiations-ukraine-russia-war-biden-johnson/ Some good stuff here.
  5. That survey was quite funny. It's like after almost five years they woke up one day, looked around, and finally realized just how conducive the ""moderation"" here has been to the utter desertification of this once vivacious and diverse community. Now they're taking the temp on "would you still participate in the community if there were no boards to post on," it's quite depressing.
  6. 541541 Would be weird if it was one of those Nazi numbers
  7. Well, this was back in the early days of the boards where there were no rules on content. Anyone could say any slur they wanted, and some people did, very often. Most of the DF clique at that time was adamant in arguing against the idea that slurs and bigotry should be against the rules here, they enjoyed this type of stuff too much to give it up. Of all the envelope pushing from that early era of UE, this is one of the tamer threads tbh.
  8. Yup, shit sounds crazy but then you realize that tens of thousands of people die every year in this country from being shot and killed. Like 30,000+++ annually This has been normal in this country for a very long time
  9. Nothing to make it less difficult or expensive for people to attain advanced degrees let alone live/survive let alone afford healthcare, just endless token PR moves, more democrats democratting here.
  10. What if it's to defend yourself from someone wielding an assault rifle?
  11. Spending too much time on Twitter... Also why in the world would you just be willing to believe some random post on the internet, especially a tale that sounds as absurd as that one does. "People get hurt and disappear all the time" gtfoh Here's a CNN reporter asserting it's fake.
  12. Lol, so much bad info in there. "30,000 dead Russian troops" and the fake assassination tale. Ukraine is not a reliable narrator on any of this, we've seen time and again.
  13. That person/account is a pathological liar who always claims to have a personal connection to like every possible high profile tragedy. It isn't real.
  14. Hbd, kid
  15. Yeah they're talking about raising the minimum age of buying a rifle to 21 which makes a ton of sense given how much gun violence is perpetrated teenagers and men in their early 20's, but it seems highly unlikely to gain traction in most states, and certainly not at the federal level. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/26/gun-buying-age-texas-handguns-rifles-uvalde/
  16. But those weapons do exist and the technology can't be legislated out of existence. The govt will always have those guns, the military, mercenary groups, right wing militia groups, rich people and their private security, gun collectors and nutters, and all manner of people who won't hesitate to use those guns if and when there ever arises a revolution in this country to take wealth and power away from these people and redistribute it to the masses. Politically, one side has all the guns, and it's the side which includes both major parties and most of their politicians, all three branches of government, the entirety of law enforcement and the military, and the tens of millions of millionaires in America. They are awash with money and power and maintain their hegemony over the rest of us, over the rest of the world, with their guns. The right wingers who control this empire will never shed their guns or allow them to be taken away, no matter what the law says. That's the current state of the playing field. Me personally, at this point, no, I don't support responding to spree shooter events by preventing the citizenry from arming themselves, that seems anti-revolutionary and counter-productive to me. The ruling class is never going to disarm themselves. As long as they are in this position over us, why allow them to disarm the masses?
  17. Zero casualties are needed but it does require a minimum of 4 people being shot, shooter inclusive. These happen very frequently, multiple times a day in this country, predominantly involving handguns and local men who know each other personally, and are totally divorced from the type of mass murder episodes we are discussing here. Depends how those issues are addressed. Fortifying schools and giving cops even more guns and money to cower when shit hits the fan? Probably not. Universalizing mental health care and strengthening the social safety net to provide basic necessities such as housing as a human right would be far more effective at decreasing crime and murders and be much more beneficial for society overall. But when we have one political party that refuses to support gun control legislation in any way and another that insists it needs at least 65 senators to do anything on Earth (~5 extra to make up for the rotating villain "spoilers" like Manchin, etc) this seems like a pretty pointless exercise. What could be done, a lot. What will be done, nothing good unless you're a cop, in which case you probably got more money coming your way on the other side of this monumental failure of the police. And no matter what we do, even if some milquetoast bumpstock ban-esque marginal legislation does somehow materialize out of this (lol no), even if it's a little more than that (raising the age limit/wait time re: buying a gun), in the end these events will still happen for the foreseeable future because our violent imperial warmongering capitalist empire is awash with guns and poverty and misery and desperation, and the only thing that will stop them when they do happen, with ever increasing frequency, is people with guns responding and usually killing the spree shooter.
  18. Yeah, go through the list. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022 How many of these are planned mass murder sprees like the we are talking about here vs instances of typical gun violence involving a few people that occurs every day in every city in America? Apples to oranges.
  19. It is...? How so, this a semantic gripe? "Frequent" didn't feel totally accurate since there generally aren't more than a few of these mass murder events each year, but I guess they are relatively frequent compared to how seldom they occur anywhere else. Maybe you'd prefer "now-typical" instead of occasional idk, not sure what your point here is but mine stands. These things don't usually resolve themselves any other way - https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/school-resource-officer-blaine-gaskill-helped-stop-gunman-at-a-maryland-high-school/2018/03/20/639a8e42-2c66-11e8-b0b0-f706877db618_story.html Proponents of increased school security immediately embraced Gaskill as a real-world example of what a well-trained “good guy with a gun” can do when a school is under fire. Many contrasted Gaskill’s actions with those of the uniformed resource officer shown on videotape waiting outside Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during a February shooting that left 17 people dead.
  20. Just two days ago a "good citizen with a gun" shot dead a lunatic who started shooting his AR-15 into a crowd at a graduation party full of dozens of children and parents. If they hadn't immediately responded with lethal force there very likely would have been a second massacre of kids this week. https://www.wowktv.com/news/local/charleston-police-shooting-victim-pulled-assault-rifle-on-party/ https://apnews.com/article/politics-police-shootings-west-virginia-1c089b5ba0ca83f05603cf0cce184c8d There are plenty of other stories of mass shooters being stopped right before or during shooting sprees by both armed guards and civilians. "Good guys with guns" don't necessarily prevent mass shootings from being plotted or attempted by deranged psychos, but they are generally the only thing that can put a stop to these occasional mass murder events.
  21. No idea what the fake mods are up to with constantly moving my posts around, in this case taking my very specific and topical posts about what happened in Texas out of the mass shooting thread and putting them in the midterm election thread (???) But I've long ceased searching for any coherent pattern or logic to their weird fakemod actions and inaction. There are many explicitly partisan posts in that thread talking about who to vote for and blaming Republicans for stonewalling gun legislation and for Democrats not doing enough with the power they do have...why were mine moved here? I'd ask this in the mod thread but there's not one anymore.
  22. Fuck William Clinton and fuck all his clones Fuck all these gun toting militia wannabes Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim Fuck retro anything fuck your tattoos Fuck all you liberals and fuck your short memory
  23. Ornamental neon clown pigs. "Engage the shooter immediately, as soon as possible, go in solo if necessary. If a cop next to you is shot, continue engaging the shooter. If you aren't willing to risk your own safety to protect innocent victims get a different job." From the larp cops' own protocol for active shooters.
  24. Gonna need you to stream it for me
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