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Everything posted by Nablonsky

  1. Admiral Panopticon and the pussy sparrows
  2. The future, wouldn't that be nice?
  3. Are you having issues with pasting links/embedding too? Just wondering. Weird half-broken site lately.
  4. Darkness and cold, darkness and cold
  5. The pipes, the pipes are calling
  6. 2 = 1 - 1 orange.z
  7. I think they're being like onions, not really sure.
  8. He was around long before then, I promise.
  9. Have you seen this? Has anyone heard about this?
  10. Unbelievable. Is there any depth people won't sink to in order to consume their neighbor? We are cannibals who coat our prey in the acid of our hate and re-directed self loathing.
  11. We love you HamiltonProperty!
  12. Another GBV https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FxLmnVgGT2E
  13. http://vishkhanna.com/2019/06/12/ep-481-david-berman/
  14. Post anything David Berman
  15. Pussy falcons
  16. Dust mummies and clown recluses
  17. Before your time, yung poffin-pooper. This lore stretches back to when the boards were all salt and fiery hands. There are some seriously dusty forces at work here.
  18. These are really good. If you aren't against selling em here, I'd def be down to purchase a keychain of the oval drumhead design from Alien Lanes.
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