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Everything posted by Nablonsky

  1. Judges can do whatever they want and it's legal...that's why we should add about 10-12 new Justices And they should all be 29-44 year old women with Real jobs, not fake email from bed jobs, probably no Homeowners, and definitely nobody who will respect ""legal precedent"" or 'constitutionality' or w/e as an excuse to opt out of actively working to change things that have long been terrible
  2. Idk abt all your policies but the best way to implement mine is by disempowering the democratic party, truly our greatest threat to being able to even put forth a worthy challenge to the right wing
  3. Oooh I bet you would too
  4. He'll be back on Musker soon, god willing
  5. Jackie is great, really hope she's doing ok on her adventure
  6. "It's one thing to do the thing that everyone already knows you're doing, but to brazenly acknowledge that you're doing it after everybody has been watching you openly do it for months is reckless and risks ww3" You incoherent clowns are insane.
  7. Yep, almost everyone in this thread seems pretty indistinguishable and uniform in their general views. Buncha imperialist propagandist Ukraine flag waving piglibs
  8. 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 Don't worry, you libs will get your WW3. And it'll be all Putin's fault!
  9. It is hard to know what is real when you get your news from Facebook
  10. No it isn't. Everybody knows this is a proxy war. You're a clown
  11. Prison Baby
  12. Almost all of the counter protestors were Catholic school kids lol. I swear most didn't look 18. I got the dweebiest looking one to tell me his age but I think he lied bc no way 21. Weird homeschool field trip vibes vibes, they seemed like they had been coached or something the way they immediately cried assault and referring to their bullshit as personal property, pro-life old ladies keeping watch from across the street, very strange. But then I suppose there's really no reason for the adults who are getting everything they want to disrupt their typical decadent routines. Their lives are basically one giant victory lap.
  13. Ew facebook
  14. Meanwhile Dems won't even tweak the SC or add more states
  15. Nobody needs your anti abortion bullshit in this thread you old loser. "It's up to the states" that's the issue, that it's up on the chopping block. As if it hasn't already long been unaccessible to a lot of people in a lot of states bc of weird religious Republican political consultants like you. Clown
  16. Biden ‘not prepared’ to support ending Senate filibuster to pass abortion rights law – https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2022/may/03/roe-v-wade-us-supreme-court-preliminary-vote-overtu Of course not, this isn't an important issue for the Democratic party. Otherwise they would Do Something. The people saying that it's impossible for them to do anything or they need 67 senators are lying.
  17. It was 2009 unless you're playing semantics by just not counting independents like Bernie who caucus with the Dems and saying "oh no Bernie's not a democrat so technically they didn't have a filibuster proof majority" There's plenty of things they could do to pass legislation with less than 60 senators, they just choose not to do any of those things. The republicans do which is why they get what they want and win and continue successfully molding this country in their image. Your argument that Dems are forever restrained by this self imposed and nigh-impossible 60 Senate seat threshold only hurts your stance that we should continue voting for these people and investing in the Dem party as the vehicle to fight for tangible results on issues like abortion rights despite them pointedly NOT doing that for decades. If it really does require 60 Senators to do anything, and Dems supposedly can't even govern they way they'd Really like to right now with their razor thin 50 seats, and as a result are about to get BTFO in November, then what hope do we have in this system? Why participate in it if the Dems can't even win, don't even have a blueprint to winning, don't even really compete in a lot of states as it is. It doesn't make sense to claim we care about these things and then also resign ourselves to this Dem party myth that the only thing there is to do is vote for them when the party who gets the most votes doesn't win the most seats. It's rigged against the Democrats which is just how they like it. It's rigged against us, and it is time to do something else. The people in this party are not your friends and will not help you. It would be nice if we DID have a party that was genuinely committed to fighting for the things in its platform that it claims to stand for, like abortion rights, but we dont. We do not have that, and we haven't for a long time, and that's just the way it is.
  18. Remember that graph you posted yesterday about how often the Dems have been in control of Congress over the years? Yeah. Wonder why they never got around to enshrining pro choice legislation into law all those many times when people did vote for them. Didn't happen in 2009 or 2010. Didn't happen in 2020 or 2021. Have they just been idly waiting this entire time for the GOP to come along and finally deliver on their long public promise to outlaw abortion? What the fuck is the matter with these Dem sickos who supposedly believe in all these things we care about but then do little to nothing to actually protect those things in the real world, beyond their rhetorical lie-scapes?
  19. What? I was illustrating how recently the Dems have failed to deliver on legislating abortion protections even when they had 60+ senators, the house, and the presidency. Biden won in 2020....it is now 2022....for years now we've all known this was coming with a majority rightwing court.... Biden did nothing to protect us against this. What did his Dems do? What did they try to do? Absolutely nothing is what it looks like. "Oh no you see, by the time 2020 happened it was simply too late, all the previous Dem failings are just too insurmountable, to get around all of those losses the Dems would have to do something Real like add justices to the court, and they don't believe in actually governing since none of this is actually as untenable for them as they pretend to claim it is for votes" The Dems care more about endlessly heaping legitimacy and respect onto completely delegitimized and openly corrupt institutions like the right wing SC and the thoroughly undemocratic Senate which don't represent anyone except the rich and the right wing and are actively ruining all of our lives. The democratic party has proven they are not willing to be the vehicle we need to stop this. We see evidence of this every day, abortion rights are just the latest alarming example
  20. Dems when they have 60+ Senators - If the line now is "Dems can't do anything unless they can somehow get an almost un-gettable number of their team's senile and corrupt millionaires seated in one of the least democratic institutions in the world," then why vote for them when it's unwinnable? If the system is really this rigged against us, governed by fake judges and coal barons, then isn't it time to do something else? The Democrats have failed us. They have failed. All the women who wanted them to protect their abortion rights, they were failed by all the Dems who pointedly, intentionally, never did that before now.
  21. For myriad reasons which compound daily and have for many years
  22. Youre right though, people like me probably aren't going to vote for the Dems as long as they continue operating like the imperialist vampire petroleum cartel that they are. And lying about it! That's really the worst part, because then you get confused kids who think someone is actually doing something about any of this when, I'm sorry but no.
  23. Unless you're a republican, they seem to always figure out how to get whatever they want. But hey, with enemies like the Dems!
  24. Here's a conversation starter - what is the Democrats plan to do anything about any of this? Nothing, right? I mean they've had well over a full year now. If they have any strategy at all to deal with this - aside from the usual 'dont get mad, vote!' campaign refrain - now would be the best time to reveal it. Before would have been better, but before is over. Is it really just "admit defeat?" Isn't that a little bit ridiculous? That just because tv game show host Donald Trump won - "stole" ! - an election, that now it doesn't matter what the Dems do for the next however many decades it takes for enough dem appointees to hobble onto whatever is left of the court and this planet by then. Biden won, the Dems won all of Congress, and yet we are governed by... Republican judges and Joe Manchin?
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