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Everything posted by UwPp

  1. Who mail orders peanut butter anyways?
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. I'll let you call over 100 old people for me so they can yell at you.
  4. I've been playing mom for the past week and I remember why I never had actual children. My best friend is a saint because her 4 year old autistic nonverbal nonpotty trained child has had diarrhea the past few days and I've wanted to pull my hair out when she shit all over the floor. 😒 ... Anyways...improv defensive driving class always makes me giggle because of the corny jokes and videos. Almost doneeeee.
  5. Shit. I should've brought my switch to my boring friend's house. ... She's not that boring, but she's about to be since she had surgery today and can't walk.
  6. The pink washed out. So I'm blonde. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  7. UwPp


    Your gif made me think of my gif
  8. Last night I woke up from having a nightmare about someone giving me a lobotomy.
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. One more day to throw punch Thursday.
  11. UwPp


    I was deff called midge in hs. I never grew to this day.
  12. Well the first symbol and the last symbol in your title don't exist. ... So now I don't know if this is fake news or not. .. Hope you're okay.
  14. How the fuck you gonna ask someone on a date then ghost them (block me on snap) an hour prior to said date? Fucking childish ass humans.
  15. Happy birthday yackie!
  16. How the fuck do you run a very profitable hospital with multiple practices throughout the city, but your VPN sucks and is down more than you can count?! Like fuck you job. I didn't want to work today anyways, because I'm a sweepy gal. But still. FUCK YOUUUU.
  17. Happy birthday namy!
  18. 4 day weekend starting at 4:30. Legggooooo.
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