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Everything posted by scope

  1. Oh now Shinji's depression makes sense.
  2. A lil late to the party but I feel like Joshua pressed the action to finish him off earlier than he should have. He smelled blood in the water every time there was the slightest nick, I actually think the rematch will be an interesting one.
  3. Trigger 4.0 This is (NOT) repackaging
  4. Yeah I'd say there's a higher chance he'll stay than what "journalists" are going to be saying tomorrow to hype up free agency lol I hope he stays, he's stoic and wants nothing to do with the media and fame, the Raptors seem like a good fit for him.
  5. The consensus seems to be he'll go elsewhere but I think he might stay.
  6. It's shoegaze and I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think they were the first semi-known band to do shoegaze. I'm willing to concede that it's an acquired taste but as a fan of theirs I can say I enjoy MBV more when I'm not trying to pickout all the lyrics but just enjoying it as part of the wall of sound.
  7. Lowry throwing this shit away.
  8. I think we all did.
  9. Curry makes every shot that isn't clutch.
  10. True there's plenty of ammo they could use, but it's all about how they execute it, the Boondocks lost its flair in it's latest season, it felt empty and out of touch, if it comes back it's gonna need to regain that, a show with social commentary needs to feel fresh and relevant to be effective.
  11. I love the Boondocks but I have a bad feeling about this, sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie, but I'm not expecting producers can understand that anymore.
  12. And those faggots from Neue Sanssouci
  13. I hope I'm wrong about this but I'm guessing Vinland Saga won't be popular enough to get a season 2 because it: A. Isn't isekai B. Makes sense C. Doesn't feature enough children.
  14. I guess Bran worged back in time to go and give the Unsullied back their genitalia they're going to need to accept Davos' request that they sail to Naath and repopulate, makes sense now.
  15. I never feel any and I'm half white half sociopath. I could clip an old lady on the side of the road and just shrug and keep it moving, you should try it, it's pretty great.
  16. Now that Lebron is finally showing his age a bit I have to agree, Leonard is the best player in the NBA. We all know the arbitrary MVP vote is gonna go to Hardon but he sure as shit isn't the best player in the game.
  17. I think he was a Cavs fan so he's probably killed himself by now.
  18. I don't think they did, I think they were woefully unprepared to tie together a show with so many elements and believed they could and then lost confidence in themselves likely after season seven's reception. The writing was awful gun-shy and unsure of itself which resulted in things like Jon's character arc and growth doing a complete 360 and placing the most underdeveloped and unexplained character on the throne by the ending, trying to gain favor in what they could like Jon petting the fucking dog because they realized the backlash that got and it was something really easy to fix. That's really the biggest problem to me and why I think season 8 is the only season that's been genuinely awful, it rendered so many plot threads and character arcs moot. When I think of my favorite works of fiction I think of what they mean, or what they mean to me and unfortunately in the end Game of Thrones is pretty meaningless.
  19. It feels like the entire thing has been in epilogue mode since the death of the Night King anyway.
  20. Bran's legs are completely fine and functional compared to his character development.
  21. And now for something completely different, a man with two noses.
  22. I liked it until the ending. It was a little overshadowed in what might have been the best year of anime ever. Just look at the anime that aired in 2007 Gurren Lagann Baccano! Sword of the Stranger Nodame Cantabile Darker Than Black Moribito Mononoke Lovely Complex Denno Coil Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei 5 Centimeters Per Second Toward the Terra Moyashimon Bokurano Such a stacked year.
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