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Everything posted by scope

  1. fuggpocalypse
  2. It itches and it burns, but I still show up for work every morning.
  3. If anything the medium itself has become less political.
  4. It already aired it's just been in Netflix jail, haven't seen it but heard it's pretty good.
  5. Yeah it was original, most of what Gen Urobuchi writes is original content.
  6. Maybe this is all just really round-a-bout subliminal advertisement for tobacco products.
  7. Seems legit to me.
  8. So widows peak>bangs
  9. Yeah watching sci fi films in your underwear while piling in a pint of Ben and Jerry's is totally better than getting laid.
  10. Reporting this thread to the brasses.
  11. Congrats
  12. Rock Lee was all like "determination and good will shall always prevail" Sand guy says "fuck you I'm a nihilist, I believe in nothing" Sand guy wins, soon after I ended it.
  13. War in the Pocket is best Gundam imo
  14. Looking forward to seeing Pop even more grouchy and disappointed than usual without him tho
  15. Then we should just fart and burp songs.
  16. Well I'm no expert in top 40s but I can tell you the first song you listed doesn't have a single instrument in it, entirely synthesized.
  17. There has been and always will be a fair amount of trash anime by year, I don't understand people who complain about stuff being trash if they're not planning to watch it anyway, I see no reason to as long as there's a handful of shows that catch my interest.
  18. For a musician you listen to a lot of artists that don't play any instruments.
  19. Yeah this is why I'm going to stray from adult swim and not because their original programming has been slipping in quality for the better part of a decade.
  20. How dare he try to talk to you like a normal person.
  21. I'm skeptical not because the change in studio but the change in director, anyone familiar with Space Dandy should know of Shingo Natsume's ability to surround himself with a plethora of talent and that's the real reason season one had brilliant animation.
  22. Loved Megalo Box, real throwback of a series, it doesn't really have the feel most sports anime do (i.e kid wants to be good at sport and creates club to have a gay ol' time with his pals) it's more raw, in fact not liking sports anime probably means you would like this one. Golden Kamuy was great last season too, bit of a clunker of a first episode but the rest was awesome.
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