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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. Cake S3 E1 I'm not really watching so much as I have it on for background noise before I go to bed.
  2. One for my Pokémon peeps.
  3. You knew I was going to throw some German stuff in somewhere.
  4. For all the fans of Noir here.
  5. Those meat pics are making my mouth water! It's a carnivore's dream!
  6. What is this from?
  7. Spanisch isch eine schöne Sprache.
  8. No goose eggs on hand, golden or otherwise. But the halva was very good. I gained a taste for it when I received a Universal Yums box of Turkish snacks. One of the snack foods in that box was a log of halva, but it wasn't chocolate.
  9. Here's some chocolate halva I made two months ago. I posted this pic on Facebook and one of my cousins thought it looked like I put gold leaf in it. What you see here is tahini that didn't get mixed in all the way. The light hit it just so.
  10. I have some fresh beans but I don't use them. You have to soak them before cooking, and that takes too long for me. I'm not what you'd call a patient woman.
  11. Some of it is Swiss German. Remember Uber_Herrnkommandant/Old1 from the old boards? I picked some of it up from him.
  12. I almost forgot about those "DA EXPLOSIONS" posts in the old boards. 😁
  13. Warum bist du z'Hause? Steigst du aus! Und hab' etwas! Jetzt und schnell! Ich befehl' di! Aber mich? Ich bin eine Knarrin, der z'Hause bleibt.
  14. I'll never live down how they pronounced Ryu's name that way in the Street Fighter movie. The one with Jean-Claude Van Damme.
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