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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. 😁 I never play male characters, and I only added the Cannibal perk ONCE to see what it did. I aborted that playthrough and started over with a new character right after that. A lot of my playthroughs are meant for testing out mods. My most recent one was installed to test out Caesar's New Regime and a few weapon mods I installed. To my surprise, CNR didn't conflict with The Legion Will Ryse, and I kept that mod for how it replaces Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet with Glott's helmet from Ryse: Son of Rome. I have several playthroughs under my belt where I modded in Link's Barbarian Armor from Breath of the Wild, part of this tribal genius build that I've perfected over the years. By now, I have a system for tackling the whole game. I always start the DLCs first, then go on to the main quest and side quests. My advice? Start Dead Money at level 1. You'll be glad you did.
  2. Shortly after I graduated from high school, I lived in this farmhouse near some chicken houses. Every summer, we'd get these big-ass spiders near the doors. I'd occasionally find some in my room. Don't recall seeing any black widows, but they still freaked me out.
  3. One of the greatest games of all time. There's so many ways to finish it, DLCs and all. And unlike most of the other Fallout games, you don't start in a vault. FNV is also the most inclusive Fallout game because the best way to maximize your damage output is by playing as a bisexual character (taking both the Black Widow and Cherchez La Femme perks if playing as a woman, or Lady Killer and Confirmed Bachelor if playing as a man). No matter what your build, you want those perks for the damage bonuses and dialogue options. FO3 doesn't have the gay perks unless you mod them in. And FO4? You're locked into playing as a cis-het lawyer (Nora) or soldier (Nate) who's married and has a kid!
  4. dArtagnan--Für immer Dein
  5. Last time I went to the DMV was to change my name and gender marker on my ID. Funny thing, my old ID had expired last year and I forgot to renew it. Then again, I didn't want to make two trips there.
  6. My only experience with My Hero Academia is through the anime, but keep Mineta bi. No erasure, no queerbaiting, no bullshit.
  7. As long as Naitch has alimony to pay his ex-wives, I don't see him retiring. He'll probably keep working in pro wrestling til he dies.
  8. Why? So I could just eat bread? No, I'd rather have meat between those buns.
  10. https://www.si.com/wrestling/2021/08/02/wwe-ric-flair-contract-release Any bets he'll go to AEW?
  11. I didn't cook the potatoes initially. And we didn't have butter, just margarine and canola oil. As for the steak, I cooked it well-done. No, it didn't taste or feel like shoe leather. Fuck the food police! I eat what I like!
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