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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. I get the ethical implications of this. I do. I'm the granddaughter of a doctor myself. But goddamn it, I still can't get her out of my head. Maybe it might be a mommy/little girl thing. Maybe it's my attraction to intelligent women kicking in. Maybe it's something else. That I don't fully know.
  2. My birb is only noisy half the time. The rest of the time, he's pretty quiet. Whenever I have teletherapy with my gender therapist, Ricky sits on my shoulder and he's always quiet. Maybe it's because my therapist has a soothing voice. When binge-watching Star Trek, he's quiet, too.
  3. You think so? I know damn well I could go for a sugar mama. And I've always been attracted to women who can lock horns with me from the neck up. Brains plus beauty equals a winning combination in my book. While I can see where you're coming from, I also don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering what could have been.
  4. Miin Butterfaß isch gschtollt!
  5. Her booty. I envy J-Lo's booty. Wish mine would hurry up and get that big and round.
  6. I've only been on these new boards for a week or so now so there's a lot I missed between when the old AS boards were shut down and now. I didn't even know these boards existed until Rogue_Alphonse DM'ed me over Facebook about it.
  7. If you or bnmjy don't feel comfortable fielding my question here, just DM me about it.
  8. Didn't she keep posting about getting preggers back on the old boards? I remember some threads in Babbling about that.
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