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Everything posted by pail

  1. Well, it squats. Kinda like a woman.
  2. But Amazon will deliver them to your door.
  3. You sure you know how to Amazon? https://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Matcha-Flavor-Sweetness-Adults/dp/B00ICHOIGK/ref=sr_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1506389719&sr=8-2&keywords=green+tea+kit+kat
  4. Crockpot? Are you sure you don't mean pocky?
  5. Why? Do they not have a very good pocky selection? Are all the pocky dealers gouging their prices?
  6. Just think of all the pocky you can afford with those.
  7. What am I getting wrong here?
  8. Yeah, I'm not a monster. Just because someone is a felon doesn't mean they should have to suffer the mental anguish that comes with a brief decades long "rehabilitation." They're never gonna reform anyway. Fuck it.
  9. If some dude is in for twenty years he should be allowed to slam as much smack into his veins as he wants. He's making his stint more enjoyable, disposing of illegal drugs, and is possibly expediting his removal from the prison system by doing already confiscated drugs. It's a win win win.
  10. I think my barf just barfed a little.
  11. I don't know why they don't let federal prison inmates do all the drugs they want. Just let them go through the evidence locker on the condition that if they willfully and knowingly use drugs they'll have to spend the rest of their lives in a cell.
  12. If you ever get an unexpected stiffy right before you have to do, like, a public presentation or something just think of me sudsing up my flappy man titties in the shower.
  13. Why are you so relieved? Were your quads starting to come in?
  14. Oh wow, a black guy who doesn't know anything about dogs except how to "train" and not feed them for prize cash SMH here we go. Frenchies have a hard time opening their mouths because of the way they've been bred. They're almost incapable of biting at all because it's hard for them to open their mouths wide enough.
  15. I'll take garbage music genres for a thousand, Alex.
  16. Looks like whoever Ancient Onyx is did the edit, and you just sloppily threw some paintbrush text in there with MS Paint.
  17. Roe always struck me as an Entemans elitist. Him and old ladies agree that they're the tits.
  18. pail


    Current YouTube is pretty depressing. Cinemasins is too popular.
  19. Pumpkin Spice and Caramel Apple. Yum.
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