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Everything posted by pail

  1. I liked him in 'Fight Club'.
  2. Fat guy noodling an unamplified electric doesn't make for very thrilling viewing. Maybe soda did pop by but I can't seem to find it. I might start posting more if I can finally crawl out of this debt hole and reinvest in some hardware.
  3. Hi m and Ryan (before his untimely passing) were, in my opinion the two most talented musicians in this community. Now all we have is me playing crappy noodle tunes n my bathroom. Maybe I just don't know a lot of the other musicians around here but if you dabble I'd like to give your stuff a listen. I know Bouvre[/member] is pretty talented and would like to hear more from him. Also for as much crap as I've given the guy crapshoot was a pretty interesting composer in his own right. And I know for a fact that NeurocideVibekillah[/member] can rock out with his cock out. In summation I'd be interested in seeing what the other musically inclined members have been up to recently.
  4. Who is Duff Goldman?
  5. You know, I really do enjoy cupcakes and muffins. I can even stand those God awful store brand cups as long as they aren't doused in icing. With those I tend to scrape off the top layer of frosting because it's just usually to piled on there and ruins the treat as a whole. Don't feel too bad, though. One of my favorite snacks is banana chips and a lot of people simply do not like them.
  6. That's a little dismissive and mean, don't you think? There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people unhappy with their job or their station in life. Moreover this is just harassment. It's not constructive criticism, or baseless criticism. How helpful would it be if the next time you made a personal problem thread (which you have done on several occasions) and I just told you to stop whining, or do something unrealistic (i.e. just quit doing whatever so I don't have to read your shitty whiny threads anymore)? Statements like yours are antagonistic and unhelpful. You can argue the efficacy of statements like "Just keep your chin up.", but just because you think that wouldn't help you don't have to resort to dismissiveness and shaming.
  7. Hmm. Sounds like Midwestern sushi or something.
  8. Not sure I'm familiar with this one. Are we talking sliced pickle strips wrapped around something else? What do you usually wrap them around?
  9. I've snacked on blue cheese crumbles before. Never thought to pair them with pear, though.
  10. I like green grapes, too. But I prefer red grapes over green, for whatever reason.
  11. Apples and cheese, that's a new one to me. As forthe pears, are walking blue cheese dressing or blue cheese chunks>
  12. I like to have trail mix every once in awhile. The pretzels and nachos, not so much.
  13. Three of my personal favorites are banana chips. Not the bland plantain chips, the sugar coated baked banana chips. I also enjoy pecans mixed with raisins. And blueberries.
  14. Lead actor sucks, hasn't starred in shit since. Not enough nudity for an 'R' rated film about sex, drugs and rock and roll. Zoe Deschanel has too little screentime. The plot is stupid. It doesn't feel like any of the characters grow or mature throughout the film. PSH raging to Iggy Pop is the only good scene in the movie. Movie spends over 2 hours sucking rock and roll and Rolling Stone's dick. Peter Frampton appears in the film. The annoying blonde whore doesn't die. The cuck main character doesn't let the stupid blonde whore die. And Billy Crudup is an asshole in real life for beating his ex wife Mary Louise Parker.
  15. Thank you for sharing.
  16. It's a rough position to be in. Patience is key. If you plan your moves right and act accordingly you should turn out just fine.
  17. I'm a Zune.
  18. A lot of people say the same thing, myself included. The problem is most people are inherently lazy and not proactive. Plus the uncertainty is also unnerving, so we tell ourselves it's not as bad as we're making it out to be and the feedback loop continues.
  19. What if we make a folder for shitposting? We could call it 'The Throne'.
  20. It was ghosts.
  22. Well somebody told me you had a boyfriend Who looked like a girlfriend That I had in February of last year It's not confidential, I've got potential
  23. Must... resist... pointing out stereotype of raucous black people in horror movie theaters... Must... not... YouTube clip from 'Scary Movie'...
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