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Everything posted by pail

  1. Beck is a band? I always thought it was just one guy.
  2. The one closest to me is about a half hour away.
  3. I heard it was a sequel, though. And I'm like "Wait... Do I have to see the first one?"
  4. Wow. Pokemon is surprisingly... well animated. These days.
  5. Okay sorry I couldn't tell. Those are good movies too.
  6. Are... are you being sarcastic?
  7. Spirited Away is coming up end of October, might go see it. It would be amazing to watch it in a theater.
  8. Double spoilers? Well that's just... inconvenient.
  9. But you won't know how it ends until the plot gets posted on Wikipedia!
  11. You need the older model TVs for the older consoles. From what I understand. I haven't been a gamer for almost 10 years. One of the major things that prevents me from getting back into gaming, honestly, is the price. Shell out four to five hundred for a console easily. At least a couple hundred for a somewhat decent television. So that's already about seven hundred dollars and that doesn't even include the games, any accessories, subscriptions, etc. Once you add it all up you can easily look to spend close to, if not more than, $1,000 just to get into gaming at any moderate level. I don't want anyone to come in here and poopoo this and say "Oh well, you can get a cheaper version of the console and a smaller, cheaper TV." Horsecock. I'm not going to go with a "bare bones" model if I want to get back into gaming. That would almost completely subvert the point and I would just be frustrated and end up shelling out more to get better equipment anyway.
  12. How often you gonna have a LAN party. Be real.
  13. #geostorm It's gonna get rocky...
  14. Ew. Vegans.
  15. I'm sooo excited. Geostorm! It's a movie about a storm, but not just any ordinary storm. It's a... ... ... GEOSTORM! Explosions! Loud noises! Time travelling Spartan warrior saving people - trying to find a way to stop... the GEOSTORM! This is one storm you definitely don't want... to rain on your parade... G E O S T O R M ! #geostorm
  16. Oh. Was it spicy mayo? That stuff is horrendous.
  17. Eh, nobody got hurt. Give the pilot his 10 lashings and demote him.
  18. Or maybe it was part of the training. You never know with Russians. They cray cray.
  19. That seemed surprisingly ineffective.
  20. Remember when they tried to do 'That 80's Show' after the wildly successful 'That 70's Show' started to take off? Yeah, it was bad.
  21. I think he's trying to meme you with Team Fortress 2. Idk though.
  22. You realize he's not American, right? He wasn't raised in the same sort of political cosmology as you. I find it funny that Americans will project their worldview on others, if not actually think or believe that the world at large is sub/consciously aware of or in tune with the mythoi of American diaspora. He's Swedish, morons.
  23. Elf on a Shelf sounds like a very poor flash "game" that belongs on Joe Cartoon.
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