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Everything posted by pail

  1. It's Earth wind fire water heart. With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! Captain Planet! He's our hero! Gonna take pollution down to zero! You mook.
  2. I wasn't aware that show was still on the air. And I'm aware that Big Bang Theory is still on the air. Somehow. Both of these statements are shocking but true.
  3. Asian food was never meant to be put in a microwave.
  4. Nah. He's a kun if I ever seen one.
  5. Senpai doesn't notice you.
  6. If you ain't interested don't mean you gotta shit in my thread.
  7. Drink my ass milkshake.
  8. I wouldn't buy a secondhand bottle of bleach from you.
  9. Just be honest you're there to pick it up and sell it online for a profit. Fucking gougers.
  10. Nintendo is psssh all around. All you need is Tekken 7.
  11. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Failure.
  12. Memories of video games are the happiest memories in your life huh.
  13. :catgrin
  14. Third time's a charm.
  15. Antiques Roadshow?
  16. Got ourselves a Storage Wars fan eh?
  17. All I know is they call October "Ghostober" so that's good.
  18. No. That's History channel, I think...
  19. Idk what 24/7 ghost shows have to do with America, but whatevs. Paranormal Lockdown is one of my favorites.
  20. How can you be nostalgic for a band that had dissolved before you were even born? That's like watching 'Dazed and Confused' and thinking the 70's was comprised solely by pot smoking teenagers, Aerosmith concerts and Matthew McConaughey.
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