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Everything posted by pail

  1. That seems a little too simple, as my page would just consist of a picture of Gil Gunderson.
  2. Find a relatively large, flush surface. Wood, stone. As long as it's relatively polished and smooth. Take a tape measure and create a 2 foot by 2 foot square box. Use low adhesive tape to mark boundaries and to avoid damaging the surface. Take a coin, stand it vertically and flick it to spin. The challenge is to keep the coin spinning with five consecutive flicks (including initial flick) within the two x two foot square. For bonus points, you can attempt to capture a successful succession of five coin flicks on video and upload them here where we can marvel at your dexterous and nimble handling of spinning coins. There is no monetary reward for your efforts. However, you will have won the satisfaction of accomplishing a challenging task and impressing your peers. Good luck. And one last thing; if any of you have any boredom challenges you would like to present please bring them forth.
  3. No. Not at all. Why would you think that? Pfft.
  4. DUN DUN DUN DA DA DA DA DA DA DUN DUN DUN Oh... http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/11/two-moose-found-in-ice-antlers-locked-alaska-speeddesk/ Nvm...
  5. pail


  6. nods
  7. pail


    Get it?
  8. [move] ``==`` D E M O C R A C Y 1`~`1 A E S T H E T I Q U E ``==``[/move] [move][/move] [move][/move] [move][/move] [move][/move] [blockquote]'1-10' is not a valid dice string![/blockquote]
  9. Does it like... feel them with... empowerment? How come they don't like the Underworld or Bloodrayne as much?
  10. So is he bisexual or is he gay?
  11. Or they don't see that many dollar signs in the Valley of Pandering to Minorities.
  12. Which technically means that Constantine has been DC's best performing "super hero" movie to date? Huh.
  13. I've never eaten there I hear their biscuits are terrible don't hate me.
  14. Is it just because they make their food fast? I don't think that's the case. I'd say they're about the same as most fast food places. And since their specialty is chicken, chicken orders seem to take longer for some reason. I guess they gotta kill all of Ella's salmon. But I've never eaten in a Popeye's Chicken outside of FL... Does... Does LA have a reputation for being fast for some reason? Why?
  15. Because you're three beers in and you know you're gonna need more food later so you just like eat half now. Also I'm watching the new Joe Rogan special on Netflix. So.
  16. This actually isn't that bad. I think that's only the case because I'm completely lit though.
  17. I should record myself playing guitar and then listen to how shitty it was in the monrning.
  18. Herb, xan and oxy. I even have a grapefruit Radler in the fridge but I'ma probably stay away from that one.
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