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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. You ever think that ever second of every day of your life there is a star somewhere compressing matter into heavier elements that billions of years from now might make another planet like us with initelligent creatures that use the internet to wonder about how vast the universe is too.
  2. You are very nice have a prominent chin and strong but tender hands.
  3. It is possible to link to certain parts on mobile just do a quick Google search it should explain how I've done it a few times it is a little tricky but not to hard.
  4. Depends on how blasted you wanna be Idk maybe go for like 80 if you wanna get wrecked but 30 is good for more mellow experience.
  5. Well at least now you are a awake.
  6. Yeah that was another one.
  7. Nah I def remember watching anime movies on Sci Fi back in the 90s. I think two of them were Galaxy Express 999 and Eight Man I don't really remember the other ones.
  8. Yeah I think so
  9. I usually spend my down time playing video games and winding down at night put on some music or podcast with a bowl or two maybe some Captain Crunch ceral. I try to change it up here and there but for the most part that is what I been doing to keep the boredom at bay.
  10. Oh I did not see this yet well I hope that that can help you. I know it helps me out when I am having very bad anxiety with racing thoughts and elevated heart rate and the feelings of doom.
  11. I have anxiety too my doctor gives me a script for diazepam for when I have an episode and it really helps. Maybe you could talk to a doctor? I know some people don't want to mess with those things and does not work as well for everyone but maybe something to look into.
  12. WHAT?! Holy crap that is insane I mean I know didn't really know him outside of his movie roles but still hard to believe he was so young and didn't look sick at all. Wow man RIP.
  13. I loved that show as a kid. It was so surreal to stay up late and then they have this variety show with some really weird and different animations than you are ever used to seeing. I also loved the Japanimation block or whatever it was called back when SyFy was still Sci Fi. Good times. I just wish O' Canada has a physical media release but I do not think that will ever happen but you can find a lot of the shorts on the NFB website. https://www.nfb.ca/
  14. Idk I just can't imagine sitting there for hour on end running from start to finish or pushing balls around or playing grab ass. If that is your thing no offense but I think it could be a lot more exciting.
  15. Good point. Yeah hte games are pretty short and simple. One of the mini games is literally memory squares. I personally do not find it very enjoyable though I am sure it is the right "speed" for a lot of gamers.
  16. It was probably one of those things that was on the What A Cartoon or the Cartoon Cartoon Show maybe this will help jog your memery. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_a_Cartoon!
  17. Literally all you do is run from one end of the map to the other and some mini games. Why are people all over this game lately? It doesn't even look fun looks frustrating.
  18. Are you guys getting some gusts now? I'm surprised it made it that far inland.
  19. Nick Cage is awesome. You could almost say that he's a... National Treasure.
  20. Matrix Revolutions was a solid conclusion to the story and the machine attack on Zion is one of the best action set pieces in modern movie history surpassed only by maybe the beach scene in Saving Private Ryan, or the Battle of Helms Deep in The Two Towers.
  21. Oh okay. Yeah some of these news people are way too excited about getting to see all the damage come sunrise. It makes you kinda angry but what can you do you know?
  22. Eye is making landfall now. Hope everyone there is hunkered down for the night.
  23. I miss the verde sauce tho. It wasn't spicey at all but it was good.
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