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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. What do you think the Mystery Flavor™ is?
  2. Yeah. Shinji is the worst too.
  3. I have watched it and stopped at the second to last episode and do not even care to finish it. Make of that what you wish.
  4. Mortir


  5. Well I am just guessing but I would say the movie industry which is hurting got the man who consistently makes billion dollar blockbusters to hopefully recoup some of their losses. It is a gambit I think.
  6. Mortir

    Missing them

    Nah I prefer the good things.
  7. No. We are actually in a Michael Bay movie.
  8. Six years is a long time ago probably. It was not one of his bigger hits iirc.
  9. Oh man that is not fun I tend to avoid it specifically because it makes me feel horrible the day after. Drink some water and take a multivitamin.
  10. It is that that time again. http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/b.html#:~:text=Most of the United States,the first Sunday in November. There is a nifty little function there at the bottom you can put in any year you want haha.
  11. I did not get a single one. Oh well I guess I have all this candy now I need to find someone to pawn it off on I do not really want to eat several pounds of candy. Glad you got to see some trick-or-treaters though. I would have liked to I wonder what costumes are popular this year.
  12. I bought a bunch of Hershey products shaped like pumpkins and tombstones and ghosts and I got a bag of Spongebob Squarpants Krabby Patty gummies and some Jolly Ranchers but not a single trick or treater came by. 🙁
  13. I know it is just a movie but it is pretty cool still.
  14. I do not understand why they are dropping support or what that even means or why they are not able to continue to support it. Is it like in an MMO where they cannot keep the servers online anymore?
  15. Get to the choppa.
  16. Maybe some of you know but I think browsers like Chrome and others will no longer support Adobe Flash after December 2020. Here is a video on the topic.
  17. You son of a bitch. We are talking about the wrappers right?
  18. Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan.
  19. Nah I passed on it. I have heard that it has not aged particularly well in the visuals department.
  20. I am not sure about this history of the song but yeah the cartoon is a little...
  21. Omg I have not seen this cartoon since I was a kid. I thinkn I had it on a compilation VHS of really old cartoons. Wow. Owl Jolson? I did not even realize that at that age smh.
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