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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Still not finished? Slacker over here.
  2. Oh Christmas tree.
  3. My neighbors set up a projector in their backyard. Sometimes I go out on the patio if there is something good on.
  4. Idk 'Soul Eater' is like a 6/10 show imho I agree there was something about it that worked but I think that that "x-factor" was just the happenstance of a long-form, new-ish, shounen on streaming on-demand relatively early on in the game.
  5. Having Vice City flashbacks. You can enter cheat codes to make your car fly but stay out the damn water.
  6. Artistic liberty I guess.
  7. That is not true Achilles is a demi-god.
  8. To me the chorus sounds very similar.
  9. Yeah the movie is called 'Troy' it came out in 2004 it is a pretty alright film imo.
  10. I mean yeah a rotation of features would be cool but I think they would need at least one show like Justice League or something to fill a time slot. Maybe they could make a new show too.
  11. I thought 'Superman: Red Son' was pretty good. The 'Suicide Squad' one with the card was pretty decent too. I really like Wanrer Bros. animated DC films.
  12. A hard-R rating for just... "some violence"? Wow I think that is the least criteria I ever seen. Not even swearing or nudity? Looks cool though.
  13. Like right now Achilles is saying bye to his mermaid mom and she tells him that if he goes to Troy he will not return. He either does not believe her or is so transfixed with the possibility eternal glory that he goes anyway. This is good stuff.
  14. Oh boy. You should eat some food. I did not eat all day and now I am eating Taco Bell. It is pretty good.
  15. Who says cousins cannot be luvins? Yeah. My thoughts exactly.
  16. Also Hector dies for Paris and it is actually really sad. Almost bring a tears to the eye.
  17. Oh yeah the lore is awessome. Like all the drama like Achilles could just take out Agamemnon at any point but he is conflicted. Paris and Helen being recklessly in love. There are so many interesting characters.
  18. Plus Brad Pitt is amazing at portraying Achilles. Said to be the greatest Greek warrior of all time and supposedly the son of a king and a mermaid, Achilles is actually the first iteration of Aquaman. That is the way I see it and am sticking to it though. Goes out like a wuss though. Idk they probably had to write him like that because he was too OP or something.
  19. I do not know what it is about this movie. I watched it like 3 times in the past week or so. It is not even like that good of a movie but it is great for background noise. I think it is because the storytelling is so simple.
  20. Is this a Trigger production? It looks really similar to Kill la Kill or something like that. Gurren Lagann had to beasts people too.
  21. It is recommended to my Netflix and it looks good the main girl looks really cute but I feel like I am walking into a fursona trap.
  22. Today when I drive by him he is holding his stop sign upside down and strums like a guitar.
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  23. I guess this counts as a music videos.
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