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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Season ends in 13 days so here is hoping it stays a storm or less who knows this has been a crazy year. 🤞
  2. Wow the new arrivals look so much beefier in comparison.
  3. The eye is making landfall now. Rough night for a lot of people.
  4. Wow that kinda look like Spike and Julia neat.
  5. I really hope more movies like these get made a anime centered around SCP would be amazing too there is so much creative potential.
  6. Lame that is the censored radio rverison.
  7. Nah. Cool vid tho.
  8. Yeah it it the second one thanks.
  9. No thagt is Bruno Mars.
  10. Wadawadadada, oooh oooh oooooooh. I do not even know the name of this song buti t is stuck in my head.
  11. Booze kill the taste.
  12. If you're looking for me you better check udner the sea.
  13. Damn central America cannot catch a break. November needs to end already.
  14. 🎂
  15. Nothing in the coffin. Worth it.
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