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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. It is such an inconceivable amount of money. I mean I cannot get the bank to loan me 20k because I have poor credit but the company 100b in the red yeah sure let them have our stuff they are sure to pay us back.
  2. I tried out the free trial. I like that most of the DC animated stuff seems to be on there.
  3. They are 150b in debt from what I understand.
  4. Eh it takes one to know one. I am criticizing myself just as much as anyone else. Do not worry you are in good company. We are all a little snobbish when it comes to our coffee.
  5. Yeah this is what I find oncnerning.
  6. Why?
  7. I am guessing the bottle cap popped off long before enough pressure to make it explode.
  8. I read about a guy did that and the glass exploded and shot a shard right into his heart. Not sure if urban legend or not but bruh. Do not tempt fate.
  9. These ads keep popping up on my YouTube. Loosk like the people that made Mr. Pickles. Idk not really interested in trying it out though.
  10. I have a lot of novelty lights from Spencer's.
  11. I have not seen a Tweety Bird anything in quite some time. Minions on the orher hand.
  12. I hate the way they hold their cups like right at their chest you know they could take a sip at any time. Then when they do the pinky shoots out followed by hushed murmurs of satisfaction maybe even a lip smack yeah I know where you coming from.
  13. Honestly I think there should be more react options. Sometimes it is just easier than replying you know.
  14. I would let Lulu be my king if you know what I mean.
  15. You never feel asleep in bed with your laptop?
  16. I think I am gonna try a restart.
  17. And now when I press the caps lock and num luck keys my laptop beeps at me. Halp.
  18. Wow this is great news. Code Geass is one of my all time favorite shows.
  19. I probably will not make it much longer. How aboutu you? 😪
  20. Yeah I hear ya. I can respect the hustle though.
  21. Careful bro I heard that he is like a 33rd degree mason. He gonna send the Killuminati hit team after your butt if you not careful.
  22. Jaime did not pull you up aw man. That is his speciality.
  23. Cthulhu fhtagn.
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