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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Just a few thousand more likes to hit 1 million and they will show us what is in their coffin.
  2. I have heard of her but never watch her videos. Why did she leave?
  3. Just the beef part. I know it has some sauce on it but I do not think there is anything that will not agree with her.
  4. Are they still around? I do not think I have seen their commercials on TV in quite some time.
  5. Well you can click on the scrollbar to pause it and read through. I think there are personal filters.
  6. No way the chat is moving far too quickly.
  7. About 600k people watching.
  8. Okay they literally just talked about this in the livestream. The best I can do to time stamp it is around the 8 hour and 30 minutes left mark because they are notn allowing you to scrub back through the stream. But yeah they basically said that if you upload their Unus Annus videos they will flag them and do not care if you lose your channel over it. Kinda a dick move imho.
  9. I can respect that. Like I said I think a lot of them are fairly disconnected from reality but as long as they stick to playing games I guess it is alright.
  10. Yeah I am not gonna lie a lot of their videos are super boring blogs and really pretentious in my opinion kinda disconnected from reality like "Oh we are gonna die some day existentials ennui now let us tell you about appreciating life from the comfort of our California mansions r0fLcOpT3r Look we made a "drilldo" time is fleeting huh". To say they send a mixed message is kind of a understatement I guess.
  11. Markiplier and CrankGameplays. Mark: https://www.youtube.com/user/markiplierGAME Ethan: https://www.youtube.com/c/crankgame
  12. Yeah it is like of course someone is going to archive all of the videos. I wonder if they will try to copyright strike them down that would be kind of messed up in my opinion but it is their content and to upload it after it is intentionally removed is against the wishes of the creators so we will see.
  13. One year ago Mark and Ethan started a channel where they promised to upload a video every day for a year then at the end of that year they would be deleting the channel forever.
  14. It is going away forever. Bye bye Mark and Ethan.
  15. Oh I love it when you have to slam on the brake because some idiots do not know how a stop sign works and sarcastically gesture for them to please go ahead and then they have the nerve to park up and follow you into the Burger King and act like you are the dick in this situation lol. Yeah we all been there.
  16. Hey man I am not tearing you down here. Do not throw glass in a stone house.
  17. Good thanks for asking.
  18. And I did not even wanna get out of bed it is so cold and now I am trying to get warm again and loopy because of the generic Benadryl probably explains the feelings of dehydratikno too now that I think about it. Probably will not get to wrestle back to bed just one of those lay there for like six hours whike intermittently looking at the alarm and just give up around six or seven.
  19. You ever know when you wake up and you are just like "put food in mouth" then before you know it almost all your pizza is gone. I thought if I drank a bottle of bwater before bed that I would not be thirsty or hungry but then I had to wake up to go to the bathroom and ate a lot of foood. Back to bed I guess.
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