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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Wait I thought a 1/8th was like $30-$35 at least aruond here where is it costing $60 for that much?
  2. I actually sseen people do that surgical gloves and tiny ass scissors I just roll my eyes.
  3. It would make twisting up these spliffs so much easer I swear speand like 90% of my time prepping the buds. My cousin ahd a really nice metal one but he took it with him when him and his family left a few huors ago.
  4. It a pretty big futon ton folds out into a bed and has vidoe game room.
  5. We pretty much just been glued to the sofas unless to get up to eat or use the toilet.
  6. Thanksful and appreciative of all my family, friends and the potentiality of the human spirit.
  7. 12-count Cinnabon bites from Taco Bell. A entired pinte of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
  8. Do you like RPGs? I heard the rerelease or update of Demon's Souls is pretty good.
  9. Yeah you had to fight bosses.
  10. Then play Nights into Dreams instead. Much better game imho.
  11. Looks really alme. Just get a emulator and play Crazy Taxi instead.
  12. It sounuds like he taunted a kid into hitting him.
  13. The first time I saw two guys fight the one guy was like "Hit me! Come on hit me bitch!" like slapping his face and stuff then dude cocked back and knocked him out cold.
  14. "Rich tofurkey giblet and mushroom gravy." Oh it is "rich" alright. Someone had a good laugh bulk producing this crap.
  15. That is just them stroking your ego.
  16. Got my eye on the take-home tray with just the desserts in it. RIP pancreas.
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  17. That is probably seen as a positive to some.
  18. I usually got the Fetty Wap blasting too louyd on my AirPods to notice anything else.
  19. Oh sorry I grabbed th wrong clip.
  20. I cannot blame him. That feast looks horrendous.
  21. Spankbang?
  22. It goes pretty muchc how you expect it to.
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