I would also like to present this example, specifically, from Star Trek Into Darkness. While this movie was just overall bad it was at this point that I completely checked out in the theater and went to take a smoke break and use the restroom.
I was rewatching Jurassic Park 2 the other day and it got to the T-Rex runs around a city part and I had to pause the movie because I felt like I was on the verge on having an existential crisis and possible panic attack. Like yeah movies are inherently weird, goofy subjective things to begin with but something in my brain just snapped while revisiting this sequence. Like... this was actually produced and put to film and nobody along the way stopped and said "No. No this is dumb. Stop it. Cut it. No." Because I mean even like the Transformers movies are dumb but at least they are self aware and do not take themselves super seriously but this really got to me for some reason.