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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. I thought this was a show about fighting fires...
  2. I thought Toonami was on a Saturday.
  3. Not as good as WarGreymon.
  4. I like Gengar.
  5. I forgot he was in Friday I remember him mostly from The Dark Knight he was the prisoner that threw the detonator into the water on the pirsoner ship.
  6. Yeah but I appreciate the effort.
  7. Mortir


  8. I do not get it. Goku is the strongest ever.
  9. Is this a Goku meme?
  10. Yeah who knows all I hear is that it is in the works. I guess I will just have to go find The Animatrix somewhere to fill that science-fiction short-film anthology hole in my life.
  11. Idk they all pretty much look cool but some are highly forgettable imo like the one with the Russians fighting the monsters or the one with the magic fox girl that loses her ability to transform. My least favorite one, besides 'Ice Age', was probably 'Blindspot' Idk the one with the robot people chasing the truck.
  12. The three robots wandering around the destroyed city was first when I played the list.
  13. Oh neat I will have to rewatch that.
  14. Oh yeah I forgot to say the only one I skipped was Ice Age because nah after Spiderman 3 and Predators that is enough Topher Grace for all time for me.
  15. I liked the one with the telepathic alien. Even though I knew right out of the gates something was up lol poor Thom. And yeah that is what I am saying the CG looks so good how comes video games are not like that yet?
  16. Pretty cool hope they do a second volume. Only thing is how come they can make short films looks this good but not video games yet?
  17. Yeah I realized that after some research. I was pretty disappointed I never heard of this though.
  18. You are missing out.
  19. Is this a new show? Trying to find information on it is confusing. Looks like it came out in 2011? How come I never heard of it? This sounds awesome.
  20. Yeah I have watched it like five times now not gonna lie.
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