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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Nah they got tangled up in blue then hit by the hurricane.
  2. Idk link looks kinda shady.
  3. Well. The rest of this cheeseburger pizza from Papa Johns is not going to eat itself I guess.
  4. I clicked on it but nothing happened.
  5. What I do not hate you.
  6. You got something against plums huh?
  7. Wow.
  8. Not even a special flavor? Huh.
  9. What is that? I have never heard of it.
  10. Yeah but it is probably just instinctual you know.
  11. Nah I do not know what you mean the lore is not that complicated. Not even close to being more ridiculous than Kingdom Hearts lore at least.
  12. For the first time since the theater and I just rewatchd The DaVinci Code on Netflix and wow I do professor Langdon got really cocksure really quick between the start of the first one and the sequel.
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  13. Tall guys are better protecters I rhink.
  14. Tightly wrapped in plastic sandwich on styrofoam tray sitting in an open cooler that most people just kinda tilt their head when they see it but for some reason on this day you feel compelled to try it out we all been there. And it always ends in disaster.
  15. But you can dip bread in it. Then eat the soggy bread.
  16. This has been my fave for awhile now they have a few other flavors of this type but I like this one best add a little hot sauce so good.
  17. It always amuses me when you chuck some tasty meats into your ramen and your friends look astonished like they never thought of that before. To be fair it is kinda like preparing two meals/defeating the purpose of "instant" noodles.
  18. "Comfort food for the soul" Uh huh.
  19. Gefilte fish? Is that like a fish paste?
  20. Yeah does not get much more hopeless than that. Maybe like a pull-tab can of mechanically-separated chicken with a plastic fork a few months past the best-by date. Also I have never even heard of chitterlings. Mostly because of the microwave-reheated lettuch.
  21. I just ate a steak quesadilla and an entire bag of Cinnabon bites from Taco Bell and washed it down with a Red Bull.
  22. When it comes out foamy amirite.
  23. Wow that is good for you.
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