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Everything posted by jezebelthenun

  1. All I can hear is the beginning of Greased Lightning now.
  2. I mean, sure, or @Raptorpat could bend the rules for me, given my og status. Sounds kind of depressing, but maybe I can make it fun in my own way.
  3. Yup. S'good.
  4. The door slams open as a muscular, female centaur clops confidently up to the counter. The centaur looks around and rolls her eyes while making a clicking sound with her tongue before turning her attention to the barkeep. "I hear there may be work in this town. Sword work. Give me an ale trough and some information, old man. In that order." As the barkeep scurries back and grabs up a low, wide container in which to put the ale, the centaur slowly, purposefully walks toward the who are men drinking and talking. As she reaches them, she waits for no invitation before joining in. "Neflet Grovehold. I'm seeking work, if you," Neflet takes a long breath through her nose, seemingly searching for a way to speak without disdain, "you fellows know of any, I'll gladly listen". The words are forced, but even measured. She stands tall, awaiting a reply.
  5. Horse fucker Edit: I just realized that the character I made for this last night is a centaur and I can't stop grinning.
  6. Mine is mobile, too, but it's usually from clicking the name under the topic. I have done the picture thing, too. Some I just want to see a bigger thumb of the picture. I'mma creeeeeep. I'mma weirdooooo.
  7. I keep accidentally fat fingering names, to be fair. There's not even anything to see on profiles. Now I'm going to make it a point to perv everyone, though.
  8. Jesus, ouch! Glad you're otherwise okay! Hope you got good meds.
  9. Dude, my poor, awkward half elf, half dwarf with a verbal tic tried to flirt with the hottest guy in the village. . .
  10. I nominate musket, because it's funny to me and that guy needs competition. @RainyDayJizz#35 "What am I, your mother"? Was a douchey thing to say to that girl.
  11. Pretty sure that's illegal now or something.
  12. Damn, I need more Grammy wisdom. I love the thimble idea. I just threaten to kill my kids and eat their faces, but they're on to the empty threat. (Okay, only the oldest one)
  13. I don't even know most people by their current sn. You people could be anyone.
  14. I mean, with that mustache. . .
  15. I wanna see Space Force try to fly those helicopters when they get there.
  16. It sounds fun. All text, I'm assuming? Using 5e rules? Are you the GM?
  17. Can we define douche for the purpose of voting?
  18. Call me a spine thief.
  19. I have entire days when I feel empty and sad after waking up from dreams. Write it down, put it in a drawer, and look for good things to smile about in real life.
  20. How many years and that's still the angriest I've ever been at a video game character.
  21. Mountain time is losers, pfffff.
  22. Virus Seeds Hornets Cicadas Russia China Trump Musk Kanye In no particular order.
  23. For that access to DF. Who do I have to Karen at about this?
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