Without emotion, Neflet stares at Pahn. "Then an example I'll gladly be."
Unsheathing her sword, she strides forward. Sizing up the other attackers, she makes her way to the one closest to her. (Attack roll = nat 20 1d8x2 = 5/7 + 10 = 22) (NPC roll = nat 1 (unfuckingbelievable that this is not a joke)
Neflet rushes the fighter, thrusting her longsword into his belly and turning it on its side. The man lets out a guttural scream and blood spurts from his mouth. Removing the sword, Neflet lifts the man's barely conscious body with her other arm and hurls it at another of the melee combatants nearby killing the first man and inflicting (1d6 = 5) bludgeoning damage to the second.
After shaking off the damage, the fighter comes for Neflet. (1d20 = 14 1d8 = 7) He connects with the centaur's face with significant force, splitting her lip. Neflet glances over at Pahn and gives a somewhat satisfied smile. "So far, I'd say the example being made is excellent."