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Everything posted by jezebelthenun

  1. I still have 8 free fingers
  2. The speedbumps are peeeeeeeeepoooole
  3. Without emotion, Neflet stares at Pahn. "Then an example I'll gladly be." Unsheathing her sword, she strides forward. Sizing up the other attackers, she makes her way to the one closest to her. (Attack roll = nat 20 1d8x2 = 5/7 + 10 = 22) (NPC roll = nat 1 (unfuckingbelievable that this is not a joke) Neflet rushes the fighter, thrusting her longsword into his belly and turning it on its side. The man lets out a guttural scream and blood spurts from his mouth. Removing the sword, Neflet lifts the man's barely conscious body with her other arm and hurls it at another of the melee combatants nearby killing the first man and inflicting (1d6 = 5) bludgeoning damage to the second. After shaking off the damage, the fighter comes for Neflet. (1d20 = 14 1d8 = 7) He connects with the centaur's face with significant force, splitting her lip. Neflet glances over at Pahn and gives a somewhat satisfied smile. "So far, I'd say the example being made is excellent."
  4. Basically, guys, we are DMless, and we need to stick to that. No one person controls the "story". We can get sidetracked, split up, do ridiculous things, and create wacky things as we see fit. Nothing in predetermined. This isn't a planned campaign. If it starts being treated like one, it'll stop being what it's meant to be.
  5. I also plan on making enemy encounters in the future, but I'm making my own encounter generator. It'll basically ensure a truly random encounter. They'll have HP and AC, so there will be clear actions/consequences. If that's not what you guys want, I'll scrap it and go more free-form.
  6. I thought this only applied to PCs. I guess we need to revisit the "yes, and" mentality. @Distinct Lunatic, you're planning on controlling A LOT of NPCs. How about we do contested rolls on NPCs? We roll for us and them. Our actions can land, but that'll give the NPC some defense/agency. Player rolls stay the same. If the player rolls a Nat 20, NPC has no defense roll. Otherwise, severity is based on roll difference. NPC needs a Nat 20 to completely dink an attack/action. If they roll high(15-19), the effect of the attack/action is lessened significantly. They roll low (2-9) and they're effected heavily. 10-14 is a standard hit. A Nat 1 gives bonus to the PC. What does everyone think?
  7. They seem a little behind
  8. All of them. Every. Last. One. This came up because I looked up Caleb McLaughlin to make sure I was spelling it right.
  9. I'm doing God's work
  10. Like you're going to see 90. . .
  11. I already have 2 fingers in
  12. Ewwwwwwwww
  13. No time, I have to catch the bus
  14. Be sure to stay hydrated
  15. San Diego salt lick
  16. I'm just warming up. Wait until I get to the alley, jeez.
  17. Vaginal lip. Just one.
  18. They see me pervin', they hatin'
  19. Fuck you, Big Dairy!
  20. But, that's, like, my whole deal.
  21. *heavy breathing*
  22. *Wank* Errr. . . *Wink*
  23. I'm not a nerd, I'm a whale penis.
  24. You've been perved. Also, that's quite a group checking you out
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