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Everything posted by jezebelthenun

  1. My mom passed away last year. She was hypoxic, had a vent tube and feeding tube placed. She was still laughing and joking on paper and asking about my kids when I flew out to see her. After her procedures, she was moved to a hospice and went catatonic. Scans found lung cancer. After a couple of weeks total, we took her off of the vents and I held her hand and sang to her when she went. She was a month away from turning 62. I still haven't cried. I'm not good with death and grief.
  2. Not if we want a ton of low traffic garbage posts. *Looks in mirror*
  3. I read that as parents and my mind broke a little
  4. That's my dad. He's in the hospital now. His kidneys were at 5% and he almost died. Not sure what next steps are yet. He's almost 70, so I'm not sure they'll even list him. Might be dialysis 3x a week forever. His cancer could be back, too. A lot to unpack with him.
  5. Nice of you to say. I feel like hot, damp garbage.
  6. Always 🧡
  7. I guess it's subjective. I don't talk too much about personal family stuff online, but it's been a really hard few years.
  8. Family members, mostly. Parents, kids, acquaintances, etc.
  9. Accurate depiction of feels. I don't know if I've brushed my hair at all this weekend.
  10. I literally referenced MiDeentor and the baby chib while you were sitting on the couch yesterday. Maybe you don't know their given name, though.
  11. All that heavy, shirtless lifting. Dude knows he's my kryptonite. 🤣
  12. Like, freals. I got people in hospitals on dialysis, people who belong in mental hospitals but aren't, a sprained wrist, people who know people who belong in mental hospitals but aren't... *Takes 2 extra Prozac*
  13. So sad. Only the coolest cool cats know me from IB in, like, 2003. FAC forevah!
  14. Is there a name for it?
  15. Outer space. I'm petrified of the idea that I might have to travel in space someday. I'd rather burn with the earth. Space is god damned terrifying.
  16. He's too busy bein' sexy on insta
  17. Toh-ken's screams startle Neflet awake. "What is it? Are we under attack?" Her sword at the ready, Neflet quickly clamors to Toh-ken's side. Seeing the sweat drenched man still prone in his place of rest, she relaxes. "It would seem that your fever has broken. Are you well enough to travel on? We should continue on as soon as Terrell rejoins us." Seeing the dwarf half slumped over his bagpipes, drool spilling from his mouth and puddling on the ground below, Neflet decides to look around the area for anything interesting or useful while she waits for Terrell to return. (Investigation 1d20 = 15) The trees and vegetation are lush, and there seem to be indications of woodland creatures here and there. Birds chirp in the trees and an odd squirrel titters here and there. As her eyes cross the far edge of the clearing, she notices what looks to be a large branch close to the ground. The leaves seem different than those around it. As Neflet approaches, she can see that the branch has been placed there purposely, and that it is obscuring a path that winds into the trees. She throws the branch aside and follows the path for a few minutes, keeping her sword at the ready, when she sees (I made a random encounter generator. You can dl it if you want to use it too. https://drive.google.com/file/d/159k2CD2bAIwuO_lITV1EgQYU0Vxm8TI9/view?usp=sharing) A(n) thin, Dragonborn being with wavy, blue-black hair sitting on top of a broken cart. Carefully, Neflet approaches the figure. "Do you need some assistance?" Her grip tightens wound her sword. The Dragonborn looks up, startled. (1d6 1-3 good 4-6 bad =3) "I've just had an unfortunate accident with my cart. I appreciate your concern, stranger, but I've sent my brother on to get help already. There is nothing but to wait for him to come back." The stranded traveler seems to be telling the truth. Satisfied, Neflet walks closer. "Have you been waiting long? Do you expect it will be much longer?" "A while," the traveler replies, "and a while more, I would imagine. I'm beginning to wish I had brought provisions. I thought this would be a quick journey." Neflet produces one ration from her pack. "It isn't much, but hopefully it will help you keep your strength until help arrives." She hands the ration to the stranger. "This path is quite out of the way. How did you find yourself on it?" With a mouthful of food, the stranger shrugs. "Work," he says, spitting crumbs as he speaks, "We were hired to deliver wood to the man who lives at the end of the path. He never leaves his home, and nobody ever sees him. Some of the other workers say he's an evil warlock. He's probably just an old hermit, though." Neflet nods to the stranger. "I hope your help arrives soon." With a wave, she heads back to the camp. When she arrives, she tells the others about the path and the mysterious man said to live at the end. "He could be worth investigating," the centaurs offers, "but I'll go in whichever direction the group decides is best."
  18. Neflet chuckles at Banarr's offer. "All hooves on deck, is it?" She turns a worn, tattered piece of fabric over and over in her hands. "I appreciate the offer, Shortbeard, though you may want to wait a while longer to extend such trust in my abilities. I seem to be in the habit of letting down those I should be most closely guarding." With a sad smile she nods to the dwarf and then settles in a soft, grassy space at the base of some trees. "Play your music, but get some rest, Banarr. Tomorrow will not be an easy day for any of us, I think." It is only moments between the closing of her eyes and the soft snoring of a deep, long rest.
  19. Neflet can't help but let out a triumphant hoot as Pahn's fingers go flying. She runs the nameless enemy through without taking her eyes from Pahn's bleeding appendage. As she turns to face him, her smile fades. "I cannot take joy in your demise," she says gravely, "but only because you die as an ignorant fool. It would have been so much more fulfilling to battle an adversary of wit and tact. May you be reborn as a more intelligent creature. A slug, perhaps, or a bugbear. I pray that we do not meet again in that life or any other." She lifts her sword and readies her final strike. (1d20 = 17 to hit 1d4+3=7 bludgeoning) Neflet brings he sword down hard into Pahn's chest, breaking bone and piercing his heart. It is clear that he has taken his final breath. Turning to look at the remaining fighters, Neflet shouts to none of them in particular. "Your leader is dead. Leave at once and nobody in my party will give chase. If you stay and fight, I promise you will be receive little mercy." (Intimidation 1d20= Nat 20) Each man glances to Pahn's lifeless body, then to the centaur's bloody sword. Perhaps it is the knowledge that they will not be getting paid, or the nerve of fear that Neflet has struck with her words and action, but the men beat a hasty retreat. As one of the men passes next to Neflet, he tosses a pouch and a shield at her feet. "An offering," he stammers, "so that you might remember me in the future." Within the pouch, Neflet finds (5 gold/# 1d6 = 5) 25 Gold. The shield is (1-5 garbage, 6-10 worth 2 gold, 11-15 a decent shield that adds +3 to AC or worth 10 gold, 16-20 a rare magic shield that negates melee damage 3 times per long rest worth 100 gold 1d20 = 14) a decent shield that offers some protection and could fetch a moderate price if sold.
  20. Where's McGeeGee?
  21. Neflet takes advantage of all of the commotion to head straight at Pahn. Charging straight at him (1d20 = 16 hit for 1d4+3 = 5 bludgeoning damage) she trusts her sword at him, catching him in the side. Bringing her front hooves up, she lets them fall on Pah for additional (1d4+3=7 ) damage. (Pahn total damage = 12) As she steps back to ready for another attack, Pahn grins as one of the melee combatants rushes her (1d20 = nat 20 crit for 2d8 =4) and knocks her away. Neflet shakes her head and readies her weapon to take on the new foe. "Be right back", she says to Pahn over her shoulder.
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