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Everything posted by jezebelthenun

  1. I remember listening to this in the passenger seat of my ex's car when it came out. We were just driving around, trying to get lost, and the crickets outside were so loud I thought they were part of the song. I was content for a minute, and for me to have a pleasant memory involving the guy who smashed my teeth out, well, music is pretty powerful. But I remember that drive so clearly, 20 years ago or so, like a movie scene on my eyes.
  2. I was super confused about glass tops being bad until you said electric. We have a gas stove with a glass "top" and I forgot electric stoves were a thing.
  3. At least 1 thing they "totally forgot" was in there.
  4. Mudknight, eff 'em
  5. Howdy is 100% only okay to use ironically
  6. Mudnight needs to be made
  7. Actual photo of what I actually look like right this actual minute. I'm tiiiiiired.
  8. Aubrey Plaza could read repair manuals aloud and I'd be captivated by her weirdness.
  9. Don't listen to these bums, @ghostrek. I think it's cool that you're challenging yourself like this. If you need a proof reader/editor, let me know. I'll bet it's going to be awesome to the max.
  10. Pignis says "Sup"
  11. I'm looking for people to play against, since I can never find open rooms when I check online. Anyone play? If you've never heard of it, it's a fun deck building game with cute manga style Princesses. You back a princess and battle to get her enthroned. https://store.steampowered.com/app/476420/Heart_of_Crown_PC/
  12. Arguing with me is pointless. I intertwine facts with my extremely emotional appeals and, even if I'm 109% right, I look unstable and basically forfeit my right to an opinion. Women, huh?
  13. Thanks for reminding me that I'm old
  14. Is that your wrong answer? I love both. Aquabats are happy. Devo is concentration.
  15. Trick question. I use Brimley's moustache to lasso the coin bag, while simultaneously inhaling a warm, creamy bowl of Quaker Oatmeal. Then, there's a passionate groping. I'll leave those details to you.
  16. Everybody needs a legacy, I guess.
  17. They're weeeeeeird. Apparently, it's a lot easier of the wrist, though.
  18. @Sawdamizer That doesn't count because you can't see my face. Just my hospital bracelet and my natural grace.
  19. 1996-ish. Best picture of me ever. What I look like now is irrelevant.
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