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Everything posted by jezebelthenun

  1. Being a nerd was directly cancelled out by having 3 kids constantly in my face. Joy of parenting. Cherish their obnoxious, constant need for attention. Never let them see you crying in the pantry while eating secret junk food stash.
  2. Thanks, guys. I get easily discouraged when it comes to drawing/painting because it isn't a "natural" talent. I appreciate the kind words a lot.
  3. My dad says catsup. I'll fight you both.
  4. Currently trying to finish off Fairy Tail after a looooooong hiatus. Secondary long runner we're watching in Gintama, and I'm pretty in love with Gin, personally. We just started Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East. So far, it's pretty good. I think I like it more than Taco, but it takes him a while to warm up to shows sometimes.
  5. You make making bad jokes less fun.
  6. Since I have about 10,000 hobbies, I'll likely post every creative endeavor here, because nothing makes someone with no real drive feel better than sharing all of their outlets and pretending people care. Here's some stuff I've drawn lately.
  7. I mean, I have no choice when the person I'm talking to is this wrong.
  8. I'm putting my warhorse on my horse and cart, and I'm safe in the crags
  9. I'm attempting to transition away soon. It's like the really bad crack that's mostly dried 409. You know it's not even going to do what you want it to do for you, but you can't put the stuff down.
  10. Is a necromance. Wink.
  11. I have a cousin named Dom. He's pretty batshit. When I was like 7 he showed me porno mags. Do I get the job?
  12. From all of the random Zeni sightings that come up on Facebook, he's just incel-troll posting on YouTube videos, mostly.
  13. *Plugs ears with fingers* I can't hear you lalalalala
  14. How many sisters do you have? I only know of one, but she's not even close to old enough to work, so. . .
  15. That's pretty accurate
  16. Dibs on the TV Errybody watchin' me Tryna channel my anger into change This shit is Must See It's gon be 4D Have you tastin' racist tears Abdicatin' old fears Out of business like Roebuck went before Sears Clear Stand back or the shock'll steal your rhythm Divide you like the country in a political schism Beat you with some logic so's to rip apart your isms I'm the talking head, always bringin' you the wisdom. *Drops mic and dances away as whitely as possible*
  17. I just wanna write stuff. Enterprise it up, y'all.
  18. I need a BFF who tells me I'm wrong when I'm wrong, but also appreciates that I'm almost always right. They need to be at least as funny as me, but in looks be a 2 or a 3 because I like attention and might get jealous if my friend is hot AND funny, and I'm a solid 4 on a good day. They should be a real bitch. I can be their filter. And they have to understand the absolute shitshow that is my life and still come over all the time and act like family.
  19. Demented would be the negative, then? Like, pulls out people's teeth for fun kind of demented or...?
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