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Everything posted by jezebelthenun

  1. Moist doesn't bother me. I think I just hate slurping sounds, so the word instantly makes me less happy. I'm a Gramps now.
  2. The word slurp is atrocious
  3. I mean, if someone looks at you funny, just make the universal BJ hand/mouth movement while making intense eye contact. That'll solve your pesky job problem right quick. Or just say, "Yogurt" and shrug. Options.
  4. We've moved on to fungus zombie cicadas. Keep up or GTFO.
  5. @Naraku4656 That's pretty much the expectation.
  6. That's entirely up to the user. If you "curate" that kind of experience, then that's what you get. I get food, music, animals, DnD, and family. Pretty good, overall.
  7. Oooh, or when you get a piece of plastic wrap from the roll and it doesn't fold over into itself. *Shudders*
  8. When all of your luck goes into a yogurt lid, you have no choice but to accept impending doom.
  9. The 4 year old devoured the jujuyog. So far, he seems no more possessed than usual. Fingers crossed.
  10. I gave in and downloaded it last night. It was amusing. People are uptight about social media.
  11. PuttinOnTheJizz JizzinOnTheRitz Eww, that's the one
  12. @GreatBallsOfJizz How about JizzinOnTheCeiling?
  13. The world is asleep Dancing on the breast of time An ugly ballet
  14. Trump wants to ban humans. Only cheese dipped baby penis beings may exist here.
  15. I was 1000% sure this was going to be a covid thing, so kudos to you.
  16. I had an entire thought conversation about how an alien would feel if they only kind of grasped human, and only a little English, and somehow heard the song Legs. "Why is this special? Do many Earth females fail to become bipedal? Crawling until their deaths? This seems very sad."
  17. Never a truer statement
  18. I don't care if you guys don't believe me. Taco saw it. Bad yoplait juju up in here.
  19. The lid came off in one piece and it was completely clean. Not a speck of yogurt on it. Now I'm afraid something terrible is about to happen.
  20. But. . . I wanna be a Hufflepuff
  21. Rather than drawings, listen to me warble. First is harmony with my dad, second is harmony with myself. https://share.getcloudapp.com/OAurlZGR https://share.getcloudapp.com/GGuRXgw2
  22. I say it and mean it. I can sarcasm much better than good for you. There's usually a "wooooooow" thrown in, and overacted feigned interest.
  23. *poofs* Am I doing it?
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