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Everything posted by jezebelthenun

  1. Post for perv.
  2. Among Us looks so hilarious. Maybe I'll try to jump in on one of these sometime. I miss goofing off during games with people, but I hate MMOs and shooters. Everyone should also look into Spaceteam. It's so obnoxious. Other fun social deduction games are Enemy on Board, The Ship (everyone has it for free, basically), and Island of Deception. 7 Days To Die is awesome to play multiplayer. Carcassonne is really fun. Werewolf/Mafia are always a huge blast.
  3. "I had a brother, as well, and our rivalry was strong, indeed. Even as foals we were always looking for ways to get the better of one another, and to show one another up. Especially when attempting to impress the Chiron." Neflet let out a bemused chuckle before continuing. "I remember once when we were both sparring for the position of Captain, he took a spill, and I decided to go and step directly on his. . . " Noticing the horrified faces of her companions, Neflet quickly brought the conversation back to Terrell. "Why did you wait until now to see him, Terrell? What made you decide that this was the right time?"
  4. Bardcore is amazing
  5. That must be horrible for you. Nah, I get it. It's not for everyone. You can hear the influence of Skinny Puppy, which is clearly not loved by all. Personally, everything about NIN makes me happy, and I've been in love with Reznor since my early teens. I find a lot of beauty in the noise, and in the ambience, and in his voice. I like his poetry. His choice of words bring up emotion and paint pictures for me. Reminds me of Paul Simon. Pretty words, storyteller. Then there's Reznor's soundtrack work. I love his ability to evoke emotion and carry a movie with music. He's in my top 3.
  6. https://youtu.be/VZe1ObvcfrQ
  7. I just want to know for what business it's bad.
  8. Confession: I have never once heard Old Town Road
  9. I honestly don't know a lot about him. He's pretty far left leaning, like Sander's camp left. I'm probably a bit more centrist than that. I'm not necessarily against anything he's doing, but I'm also in CA, so my vote doesn't really count.
  10. "Then let's make haste." Neflet looks to Toh-ken. "Are you well enough to walk? If you aren't fit for biped travel, I'll offer you my assistance." Then, looking at the dwarf, "Not. You." Thinking for a moment, she adds, "This time, we stay together. No scouting beyond what can be seen from our path. If we must face a foe, let us do it as a united front."
  11. Also, how confusing would it be to open a brothel/taco stand? Asking for a friend
  12. She's very progressive
  13. Based on ad campaign music? Because I'm about to throw 100% of my life at this guy. https://www.metalsucks.net/2020/08/14/nine-inch-nails-music-featured-in-u-s-senators-campaign-ad/
  14. I mean, I don't look quite my age yet, but that's silly.
  15. My oldest son turned 17 last month! He's a damned man. It's ridiculous. I'm ooooooold.
  16. How are your tests not on scantrons?
  17. Neflet, previously content to ignore the word debt, is now visibly flustered at Toh-ken's showy vow. "You owe me nothing! I did what I would do for any soldier in my company, and though you were chosen and not assigned to me, you are the company I'm keeping. Besides," she motions to Banarr, "it was his powder trickery that set the wolves off of you. Perhaps it's to him you should owe your life debt?" Neflet's face flushes as she quickly changes the subject. "This Govias, he can be trusted? How far from our original path must we stray?" Straining to hide her discomfort, she attempts to force the flush from her face and take on an air of authority. (performance skill check d20 =3 -1=2) Not only does she fail to come across as tough, but she stammers through her words and nearly trips over her own hooves, turning a shade of crimson similar to that of a hothouse tomato.
  18. The centaur rears once more, bringing her front hooves down on the skull of the alpha wolf. The sound is reminiscent of a large branch being split by a mace. Blood spurts onto Neflet's chest and face. Undeterred, she swiftly canters to Toh-ken, attempting to lift him onto her back. (Strength skill check d20 = 13 +3 modifier = 16) She deftly slings her wounded companion over her back, careful not to injure him further. "If any of you can detect magic, do so now! Otherwise, we move out of here!" Speaking more softly, Neflet addresses Toh-ken. "Can you heal yourself with one of those fancy bits you keep pulling out of your bag of tricks?" Without waiting for an answer, she gallops past the remaining wolves, hoping to reach a safe distance in order to rest. She looks back to make sure she's not being pursued (survival skill check d20 = 9 +3 =12), and though one wolf does follow, Neflet runs into the trees and the wolf gives up his chase.
  19. I'm not meme thread material, man.
  20. On behalf of the pistachio community, you're welcome.
  21. I'm just as cool in real life. You can attest to it. . .
  22. Mufukin leg day *4!
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