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Everything posted by enad

  1. Are you on jury duty? Are you supposed to be talking about the trial in public like this?
  2. I don't know if anyone did this yet, but...
  3. enad


    You're mistaken. I'm not a Mexican.
  4. enad


  5. enad


    Don't be that way, bae.
  6. enad


    He knows.
  7. enad


    Counting down the minutes until the Trump Presidency so that The Purge may begin, mochi.
  8. I'm not criticizing. I get laid in large part due to middle-aged women hormonally induced into poor judgement because they feel the milk curdling in their ever pancaking nips.
  9. Should be electrified, because nothing smells worse than underdone retard.
  10. I suspect you can only read that if you're used to Braille.
  11. Women, because they're rotting fast and need to use their eggs up before they turn green. Not because of anything dignified.
  12. You look like Zordon, JeNewb.
  13. And make the farmer's market pay for it. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/swiss-town-denies-passport-to-dutch-vegan-because-she-is-annoying-125316437.html
  14. It was doing its best imitation of your child's father.
  15. enad

    "Gay for pay"

    The porn industry should make a Trump pee parody.
  16. You ARE Jingai. No one else on this board has trouble figuring out how to turn the left-handed typeset justification off.
  17. I'm betting Stilgar.
  18. I need to know the name of this college immediately so I can talk to your representatives and get all its funding yanked.
  19. You're constantly bragging about all the sexual attention and money you have though. Being that's what you value it should keep you satiated. Something about this circle isn't squaring.
  20. You're just mad because you attribute the drooping to being held in captivity.
  21. Do they let black people in Japan still? I thought it was enough of a rarity that it basically guaranteed you internet fame.
  22. What don't you enjoy about it? You put white guys in space, after all.
  23. Too much sugar in AO. I like dark lager, but that's all.
  24. The only equation she needed to memorize was for mass flow rate.
  25. Calculus will do that to you.
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