If it makes you feel any better they're just taking a page from their elected officials.
If it makes you feel any better gay couples are getting attacked in Florida now.
I don't like fucking psychos as much as I enjoy fucking women with crippling depression and/or basement level self-esteem. They tend to let you do things to them that embarrasses the memory of their grandparents for the sake the most fleeting sense of validation and worth.
And I kept warning you that it was only a rough draft of your Valentine's card. It's not my fault you insist upon opening the oven before the souffle is done cooking.
I haven't been this excited for a superhero movie in a long time. The reviews out for it thus far say it's the best X-Men movie ever made (as well as the best comic book movie since Dark Knight), and I kind of hope that Jackman exits the stage on a high note. I can tell from the trailer I might actually cry during it if Xavier dies or something.