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Everything posted by enad

  1. Rush delivery available direct from Europe.
  2. Because it's hard to kvetch when you're verklempt.
  3. enad

    and now

    Gay Genocide was my favorite EDM group in college.
  4. enad

    and now

    If it makes you feel any better they're just taking a page from their elected officials. http://patch.com/illinois/chicago/big-fat-lesbians-facebook-comment-lands-county-board-member-hot-water
  5. enad

    and now

    If it makes you feel any better gay couples are getting attacked in Florida now. http://lawnewz.com/crazy/gay-couple-allegedly-attacked-by-man-who-said-you-live-in-trump-country-now/
  6. People still watch this crap?
  7. Just go ahead and do it. You're not telling him anything he doesn't already hear from his kids at dinner.
  8. I don't like fucking psychos as much as I enjoy fucking women with crippling depression and/or basement level self-esteem. They tend to let you do things to them that embarrasses the memory of their grandparents for the sake the most fleeting sense of validation and worth.
  9. And I kept warning you that it was only a rough draft of your Valentine's card. It's not my fault you insist upon opening the oven before the souffle is done cooking.
  10. Stop white knighting Buddy, Nab. He's not going to plunger your worms out.
  11. [soundcloud] [/soundcloud]
  12. enad


    His message that girls should date black guys?
  13. The table has to be round because they don't trust you to not poke your eye out on one of the corners.
  14. I want poof to just repost this thread, word for word.
  15. i cumm carp
  16. You can't sit here and tell me you aren't intrigued by his break glass in case of emergency mop stick.
  17. That's good. It means she's more dependent on you, and thus hostage to your power.
  18. I didn't peg you for the type to take work home with you.
  19. https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--dmEuPli2--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/gr0ed0f7gdcdwwnthkd6.gif[/img]
  20. Try it sometime.
  21. LOL you're joking right? They would sooner secede again.
  22. http://lawnewz.com/high-profile/trump-will-do-away-with-obama-transgender-student-guidelines-report-says/
  23. You seem to commit a lot of fireable offenses.
  24. enad


    I haven't been this excited for a superhero movie in a long time. The reviews out for it thus far say it's the best X-Men movie ever made (as well as the best comic book movie since Dark Knight), and I kind of hope that Jackman exits the stage on a high note. I can tell from the trailer I might actually cry during it if Xavier dies or something.
  25. Why I never share anything.
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