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Everything posted by enad

  1. Oh wow you're right. I can't even keep track on my trolling anymore.
  2. Where did my hilarious Red Indian joke go? Just because I can't see it anymore doesn't mean it wasn't there first. This didn't work for Andrew Jackson and it won't work for you, Luuv.
  3. She told me it was trigonometry where she got an A.
  4. Careful. Any more of that tone and you might make him horny.
  5. It's in the Red Indian's nature to strike first in a conflict.
  6. Everyone writing think pieces in the US is under the assumption that it's another white savior movie, but I guess it actually paints Western individualism as selfish and inferior to the Chinese sense of community and teamwork. It is financed by the Chinese government, and as Trump continues his gootch sweat reign of derp you can probably expect a lot more movies like it, as China attempts to swipe cultural hegemony away from the US during this period of instability.
  7. That's not happening. The worst it will get is Uncle Jerry withholding federal taxes.
  8. As it often does my mind immediately went to gay porn.
  9. enad


    I imagine. That's unfortunate. I would hope better of people at this point.
  10. enad

    i am sick

    The same way everyone knows that, ghostrek.
  11. enad

    i am sick

    I don't believe you.
  12. enad

    i am sick

    Go to bed.
  13. It's a shame that walls can't quarantine the waft of Indiana incest pits.
  14. enad


    Stop pretending like you don't endorse this sort of thing you fucking bog cyst.
  15. Zeni's the reason you f**** of anything to talk about. Without him it would be endless birthday threads and duck face photos.
  16. Lol Zeni
  17. enad


    Okay. I was just curious if this correlates to the uptick in hate crimes against other demo groups we've been seeing recently due to certain happenings.
  18. Punishing them by providing drought relief?
  19. enad


    Has there been an uptick in this recently, or is this pretty par for the course?
  20. enad


    Bernie would have lost.
  21. enad


    You're thinking of me. But I understand how it's easy to get white guys confused.
  22. I have it too, on a Nexus 5X. It largely depends on where you're located in the country if it's worth your while. https://fi.google.com/coverage If you're east of the Mississippi River like me or in a metropolitan area it's a wonderful service. If you're in the middle of the country in Utah or Idaho? Not so much. At least in terms of call quality. I do most of my communication through text though, which takes barely any service. In that regard it's worth the price to me. I haven't gotten to use it outside of the country, but supposedly international service is the best out of all the major carriers.
  23. enad


    The later iterations of Power Rangers got really ridiculous.
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