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Everything posted by enad

  1. I was waiting for you to show up and say almost exactly that. And oh yea? Well you're black.
  2. Today has been ironically bereft of them.
  3. Hello. Happy woman day.
  4. explicit contents
  5. I haven't really noticed much of a difference. There's a message there I think.
  6. enad


    John Waters is unusually accessible to his fans.
  7. enad


  8. So this is the coming Scorsese movie starring DiCaprio about the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and H.H. Holmes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Devil_in_the_White_City For those who don't know who him he was the guy who invented concealing your victim's bloodied murdered husk under the cloak of your mustache. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._H._Holmes I'm excited for this movie because finally white Chicago criminals can get some notoriety again.
  9. enad


    As you can see the placement of the penis yet requires some engineering redrafts.
  10. A man who turns into a woman who turns into a firetruck. The hottest new toy line a couple holiday seasons from now, just as soon as I get done filing the patent.
  11. The answer is Zeni loses his job.
  12. I don't believe you.
  13. enad

    Pure Moods

    How miserable your childhood must have been.
  14. enad

    Pure Moods

    Let's not split hairs.
  15. I'd have thought you'd have mastered your kamehameha wave by now.
  16. Like Leviticus it is open to interpretation.
  17. Dominus Trapicus Dolium
  18. Then you don't remember Enigma.
  19. enad

    Pure Moods

    I believe in straight line regression productivity.
  20. I already made a thread about Pure Moods. http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/free-for-all/pure-moods/msg83250/#msg83250
  21. Jeff Sessions' ears are only possible through the magic of multi-generational layer cakes of sister fucking. http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2986657.1488461639!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/usa-congress-sessions.jpg[/img]
  22. They just feel the audience can't relate because she never f*** him while he's still a farm animal.
  23. The aliens were Jews.
  24. enad

    Pure Moods

    Nothing was worse than being a kid trying to watch TV quietly at 2 am and having that Indian dude do his rain chant at 2x volume.
  25. I'd have a studio apartment in the ballbag of the Colossus of Rhodes.
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