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Everything posted by enad

  1. I anticipated as much. https://www.democracynow.org/2017/2/13/ice_arrests_600_in_nationwide_raids
  2. enad


    If she didn't want to be treated like a ho she shouldn't have been wearing a ho uniform.
  3. You know he wants out of this horseshit more than anyone.
  4. That's the only part I'm eager to find out.
  5. If it makes you feel better once the federal government starts chemically castrating all gay men you won't have to feel as though that's your short coming anymore.
  6. Who's ready and spreading eagle in anticipation of this fuckin' nonsense starting up again, eh?
  7. enad

    what new

    Eh, not this wait. There are enough Efukt blooper reels with giant meaty retard dicks that it's not as if I can't get my fix watching a 30 second clip of a girl with a biodome head gumming an unclipped Mercury rocket like it's microwaved hot dog bits. The point being like any free market enterprise he has competition to worry about.
  8. You're just going to be mistaken for the cherub.
  9. enad

    what new

    I'm still waiting on those dick pix, ghostie.
  10. I'll have you know he graduated College Algebra.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIWmgfIr5M8
  12. No wonder I'm hard the entire time.
  13. enad


    He got a bit role in the first Tobey McGuire Spiderman back in 2002 and his day job is still over at Sirus XM. A testament to how much he resembles a slug going through chemo.
  14. This thread made me feel better about black unemployment.
  15. enad


    I like to think about the number of existentially fraught evenings Bonnie has narrated this sentence in her head.
  16. I took this to mean "cute for your area," which is not inconceivable.
  17. I don't think you're necessarily the best reference for female psychology.
  18. I have a lot of post likes but not a lot of karma points, meaning people like what I say but don't like me. This is in keeping with pretty much everything I've ever known.
  19. You sure you want to start escalating with me? You know where I'm going to take this, and it's in keeping with the theme of making porn girls cry. My mother and I actually get along great. I am watching her mini beagle for her while she vacations.
  20. That's what I like. Her getting tridicked up the poop chute isn't nearly as stimulating to me as her poor relationship with her father.
  21. Obviously the process breaks down when one starts dealing with dosages.
  22. I'm convinced you've only ever looked at one because you initially thought it would tell you about your menstrual cycles.
  23. Abject female misery is never not hot, you must admit.
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