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Everything posted by enad

  1. Trump is going to win again.
  2. Funny you should say that: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-extremists-program-exclusiv-idUSKBN15G5VO I'm sure all those Jewish temples now getting swastikas drawn on them will be relieved to hear it's all a function of jaw unclenching.
  3. Why did you leave Discord?
  4. ...by fucking her?
  5. My guess is bad music.
  6. I'm sure he's not entirely enamored with the notion of fucking the chick who fell in the well from The Ring. But during the Christmas season it's the charitable thing to throw a dog a bone.
  7. All you need do is ask politely.
  8. Btw, ghostrek has a giant gorilla dick.
  9. That must have been a huge banana.
  10. I was in a program where if you scored high enough on standardized testing you were permitted to join other kids at a local community college where scaled down college courses were taught to grade school kids over the summer. During one of these courses, which centered on astronomy, I cut myself with a box cutter knife while trying to build a model rocket ship. I still have the scar on my thumb. That's the sum total of my experience there.
  11. Anime's obsession with Teen Nick drama gets annoying a lot of the time. I'd like protagonists in an anime to be over 19 every so often. But Japan is famous for its ageism I suppose.
  12. Did you see the part of the speech where he mentioned the camps?
  13. Ah, we're talking about Viper.
  14. This is some f*ggoty shit, Nabs.
  15. I refuse to believe that if you had a sister you wouldn't be rubbing that giant dick up against her thigh while posing for Christmas photos.
  16. You ever flush any of them so they'd go back to the ocean?
  17. Over time he Benjamin Buttoned back into a zygote.
  18. Are you sure? He'd scale your muff to stab at your soft spots like Shadow of the Colossus.
  19. In all seriousness, Panda, you're Filipino. Wanting to fuck your nonexistent underage sister makes you the most pious guy in the country.
  20. Hey babeh, what say you and me spend the evening trying to perfectly align your car in your favorite space we wait for 45 minutes to free up in the Walmart parking lot?
  21. Have you tried tying a door knob to your dick that won't lock? That or you could quickly stick it in her Kid Cuisine hole while she's furiously counting your pubic hairs.
  22. enad


    I made a horror-related thread and it got deleted.
  23. Just in time for the new era.
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