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Everything posted by enad

  1. Thank you, mochi. It's a pain in the ass to try to render reflected light competently.
  2. The traffic doesn't warrant the subdivision of the Lithium boards.
  3. After the ASMB went down I realized that I don't have any point of contact with the network anymore. It's been well-established that no one who frequented the boards actually watched the block for years, but I don't even have anything to do with old shows from my youth that can be found on streaming services or can tell you what is still in development or has been cancelled. Like is Venture Bros. still being made? I honestly don't know anything anymore.
  4. enad

    happy 2017

    Stop trying to change the subject and share your hog meat with us.
  5. enad

    happy 2017

    You heard the lady. Show us your Protein Pack.
  6. I'm merely trying to find the silver lining in the orange clouds on his horizon.
  7. Well...at least he'll have a permanent home again.
  8. So what you're saying is there's a good chance mochi is going to end up in a camp.
  9. Icarus is too busy having meltdown facebook fights with his Trump-voting family members to hang on message boards anymore.
  10. I suppose someone has to.
  11. Kids with..."ADD"...are renowned for having giant corn dogs. I want to tell him to wear protection and see if he straps a bicycle helmet to his mushroom head.
  12. For the sake of that pun I assumed you'd do anal.
  13. Turd Impact
  14. I believe you because you said it twice without spelling it the same.
  15. ...What? ghostie, just because Trump got elected doesn't mean you get to go flailing your dick around willy-nilly at unsuspecting black girls now.
  16. Prove it. Share your meaty hog with the class.
  17. Is ghostie packin'?
  18. I'm looking to change jobs and move to warmer climates. Not that anyplace can't be warm with enough ambient radiation.
  19. 1 out of 3 aint bad. Especially for an ADD kid.
  20. Also gay people weren't headed for concentration camps the next year.
  21. Dragged, kicking and screaming. I still need to visit Nu-IB to let them know that this Eden is as false as the last.
  22. I also cried when you had a kid.
  23. They may remove term limits so he can be president forever, they'll like him so much.
  24. I feel bad for gay people. Here you were just a year ago thinking that you were finally approaching normalization in society with marriage rights and so forth. Now you're all going to suffer untold horrors for trying to be open. I'd try to get back in the closet if I were you, mochi...
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