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Everything posted by enad

  1. Parallel pinking. https://vid.me/HOnQ #SoBrave
  2. enad

    I'm Tangry

    Idle hands are The Devil's...gay things.
  3. enad

    No comment

    So is it wrong for me to shout "Heeeeeeeeere trannytrannytranny" to call my cat when he/she is playing outside?
  4. enad

    I'm Tangry

  5. Did you give them Godfather's pizza?
  6. enad


  7. enad


    I'm scared to like that too much.
  8. enad

    Mexicans are

    Socialist Gulag Elite!
  9. They don't have money for message boards either...
  10. enad


    In your case an old set that he's just getting a look at for the first time.
  11. enad

    Mexicans are

    Of course not.
  12. Even if you hadn't ever shared your photo I would know you're not white because you asserted this.
  13. Hiding in the shadows.
  14. You could always jerk off to her oil portrait.
  15. I would have gone with you needing your oil changed but I thought that was too on the nose.
  16. When did he ask young women to have sex with him for money? He asked you.
  17. When he said he would be willing to "take care of your worn rubber" he was still talking about the tires, fuggs. It had nothing to do with sex.
  18. A lot of people don't know this but the book was a prolonged metaphor for her apprehension over the potential fallout from her tit implants.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ9bht5H2p4
  20. Brocialist
  21. Well women have never been good with money.
  22. If you discover agency before the final rose petal falls you'll get to be a prop in someone else's story.
  23. So you're saying that women never know what they want?
  24. I didn't want to invite myself in.
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