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Everything posted by enad

  1. Please. I can't be baited so easily.
  2. That's not true. L is played by a black actor. Presumably because the character is always barefoot and eating junk food.
  3. I need to consider my approach on this. I'll return in due time. http://variety.com/2017/film/news/amy-schumer-barbie-1202015233/ Amy Schumer has parted ways with Sony’s live-action “Barbie” over a scheduling conflict, Variety has learned. “Sadly, I’m no longer able to commit to Barbie due to scheduling conflicts,” the actress said in a statement to Variety. “The film has so much promise, and Sony and Mattel have been great partners. I’m bummed, but look forward to seeing Barbie on the big screen.” The big screen adaptation of Mattel’s iconic toy line was expected to start production this summer on June 23, but Schumer’s busy schedule includes a lengthy promotional tour for her new Fox comedy “Snatched,” which opens in May, as well as an upcoming shoot for Rebecca Miller’s “She Came to Me” opposite Steve Carell. Sony needed to stick to its June 29, 2018 release date since Mattel already has merchandise and product cycles in motion–shifting the production to accommodate Schumer would have put on a strain on other partners on the film, according to insiders.
  4. No, she's just even blacker naked.
  5. As if to illustrate my point, Buffalo Bill never collected any black skins.
  6. What Nab said. Whip out your meaty mop stick.
  7. He only thinks its flat because he can't observe the Coriolis effect on his giant dick.
  8. Does he know you're black?
  9. You need more practice at this.
  10. You really are messed up right now.
  11. I don't anticipate they ever come back. This is more of an idle hypothetical.
  12. Why'd your friend get shot in the face?
  13. Let's not split nappy hairs.
  14. I'm getting the sense that this is what my inevitable trial separation is going to be like for me. I've been away from the craggy hen for so long that even if she wanted me back I don't have the energy to care anymore.
  15. If it makes you feel better I don't think she's fat. Just pregnant already.
  16. It could be that a bucking bronco like yourself can't be confined to just one rodeo.
  17. I could live 100 life times and never accomplish as much as this OP.
  18. I need to lose some weight in a relatively short time frame. In truth it's not that difficult, I basically just cut out drinks that have calories associated with them and little else has changed. A lot of Crystal Light for me now. I never realized how much 2% milk I was drinking until I started measuring it out and got a sense for how little 1 cup really amounts to.
  19. This is a fairly dry and straightforward topic. I apologizing for not bringing more color into your life. You get enough rainbows as it is.
  20. I'm on a fairly strict 1500 calorie per day diet right now so I insist upon being able to weigh portions on a scale. When people try to tell me they eyeballed the serving sizes I get irate and tell them they're doing it poorly given that they have diabetes. I take my diet seriously.
  21. This is one of those more issues that I find myself bumping elbows with people about given the strange hours I keep at times. Now this has nothing to do with booty calls or social blather among people who are married or any of that nonsense. Say you are interacting with someone on a business level and need to get some information to them immediately but don't have their email address. Is there a clock hour after which it is inappropriate to send them a message?
  22. Life is too short to wonder why. Accept the placement of the stars in the sky and stick dicks in their butts.
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