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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. So, this happened. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/rouble-firms-heading-back-towards-multi-year-highs-vs-dollar-euro-2022-05-23/
  2. Democrat policies will never win the Dems elections. Cheating on the other hand....
  3. I reject the classification of this as a whataboutism. It is not a direct comparison to another committee, it is rather solely focused on the divergent actions of this singular committee. Pelosi should have been in no position to make a determination of any sort to begin with. I'm sure there would be a huge stink if a Speaker McCarthy were to reject Democratic appointees or demand that any such appointees meet with his approval. Of the two rejected, one was not subject to any subpoena. Rep. Banks was not subject to any (unConsititutional) inquiry or subpoena. As far as Rep. Jordan, according to CNN's reporting the scope of inquiry regarding him revolves around how many times he spoke to the President and if he said the election was stolen then said he didn't. That isn't just cause, it is slander. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/01/politics/jim-jordan-january-6-committee-subpoena/index.html Again, there was no insurrection. Claims of that are materially and legally false, as no one has been charged with those crimes. Further, no one was armed, nor were people taking arms or using violence to overthrow the government. Was it a violent riot, yes. Were people injured, yes. Should Congress look into why a mob of people gained entry (and were waved through barricades and ushered into various portions of the Capitol by Capitol police), yes. Should Congress look into why the HSAA and SSAA refused requests to deploy additional security forces, yes. I would hope the new majority would not do that, and would instead try to get answers to real questions regarding the "mostly peaceful" (to use CNN's terminology) protest and to ensure it doesn't happen again.
  4. So, the first portion here is, partisanship? Jim Jordan and Jim Banks wouldn't go along with the predetermined outcome and would be likely to commit an impertinence by asking embarrassing questions so they were removed? Sounds like a conflict of interest, that is they conflict with Pelosi's interest. Asking about what Pelosi and "I totally didn't encourage an assault on Justice Kavanaugh" Schumer knew and when they knew it regarding security is rather important. The official logs, linked above, show the HSAA and SSAA both declined National Guard assistance even after CoP of USCP had inquired about it. Toss in Mayor Bowser to that particular line of inquiry, when she refused to request assistance as well. As far as being a 12-D chess move, I never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence. I'm not talking about belligerent Democrats breaking into the Senate building and disrupting proceedings, we have already seen that when that occurs no committee will be formed nor will anyone be charged, let alone held without counsel or medical treatment in solitary confinement for months on end. I was referring to the formation of a select committee with the opposing party's picks being rejected for no good cause.
  5. They don't pay enough, and New York shits out loud. There was no conflict of interest with Jim Banks. I know, I've asked him. Jim Jordan is questionable at best. The fact is, if the GOP did the same thing there would be "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"s echoing still. https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/trump-admin-was-ready-to-deploy-national-guard-on-jan-6-capitol-police-timeline-shows-january-donald https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2022-06/USCPJan.6Timeline.pdf “Carol Corbin (DOD) texts USCP Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher, Protective Service Bureau, to determine whether USCP is considering a request for National Guard soldiers for January 6, 2021 event,” the timeline reads in an entry listed for Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021. The next morning, the timeline indicates, “Gallagher replies to DOD via text that a request for National Guard support not forthcoming at this time after consultation with COP Sund.” However, that initial rejection from Capitol Police came as they were beginning to change their assessment of the potential threats of violence. Just hours after Gallagher’s rejection of DOD’s offer for troops, Capitol Police issued a new warning to its commanders and executives, as well as to the two congressionally appointed House and Senate Sergeants at Arms responsible for congressional security, the timeline shows. Furthermore, as word began circulating around Washington of the Capitol Police’s changing stance on the need for National Guard troops on Jan. 6, Democratic Mayor for the District of Columbia, Muriel Bowser, wrote a letter to Miller and other Departments of Defense and Justice officials asking that National Guard troops not be deployed unless the local Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) approved. Bowser cited an earlier event from the summer of 2020, when National Guard troops were deployed to Lafayette Park outside the White House amid social justice protests that took place in the nation’s capital, spurred by the death of George Floyd. Bowser argued the deployment “caused confusion” and could have led to “a national security threat with no way for MPD and federal law enforcement to decipher armed groups.” “To be clear, the District of Columbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional deployment without immediate notification to and consultation with MPD, if such plans are underway," Bowser wrote in her letter, adding that MPD was “well trained and prepared to lead the way” on ensuring safety during the rally in the nation’s capital on Jan. 6." Hmmm, sure seems like Huffington Post is spreading fake news.... Part 1 see above As far as the cops letting protestors in, yeah, they did.
  6. So, who was the cop who removed a section of barrier and waved people in? Who gave that cop the order to do that? Why wasn't the National Guard on scene? Why did Speaker Pelosi, Chuck you Schumer and Mayor Bowser refuse National Guard assistance? What part of "Peacefully" means go engage in rioting? Why was Ashli Babbit shot when she was completely unarmed and of no threat to anyone? (This is against all standards of lethal force use in the U.S. unless suddenly the Capitol Building is Area 51) If this is a fact finding commission, why was the minority party not allowed to appoint its members? Where are the 400 hours of footage? Why are people still being held without bail, access to medical care and counsel on misdemeanor charges? Why are members of Congress not being allowed to see the people being held, or the conditions under which they are being held? Why did this commission bring in an ABC producer for their primetime hearing if they are just a "fact finding" commission? Who are the police seen on footage waving people into various sections of the Capitol? Why gave these officers the order to wave people into those various sections of the Capitol? Are velvet rope lines really capable of stopping insurrections? Why is Alexandria Dientes de Burro claiming to be traumatized when she was a block away in a different building? Has anyone been charged with insurrection? If disrupting Senate proceedings is a "dangerous insurrection" why were the individuals who interrupted the hearings for Justice Kavanaugh not charged? ....
  7. MJF is the greatest troll/heel in pro wrestling today. Legend indeed.
  8. Inflation 8.6% Labor participation rate 62.3% Gas avg $4.98 No baby formula No pet food Empty store shelves Rampant violent crime Rampant property crime Uncontrolled borders But no mean tweets.
  9. I'm sure Pat is beaming with pride. Still, it is good to see Toonami being promoted during AEW. AEW After Dark to lead off before Toonami needs to happen.
  10. Heh. So the Soros-backed son of actual domestic terrorists D.A. in San Fran got BTFO'd last night and in L.A. a Republican candidate running as a Democrat beat another lefty democrat candidate. Sure seems like there are cracks in Califailure, with a GOP candidate making the ballot for Statewide office as well. Will the State turn red, no. Will it even turn purple, no. Will it be fun to watch the inevitable infighting when more centrist candidates win local and State elections pushing the cringe fringe left out where they belong into obscurity, yeah. Here is your view of the future, and remember it is because of the utter and complete failure of leftist policies and the dementia-riddled incompetence of former Vice-President Biden. You brought this on yourselves. Get rekt.
  11. Russia is going to use the same strategy it used in Chechnya. Too bad for Ukraine that Western Europe and former Vice-President Biden have a poor attention span, so Ukraine might do well to sue for peace now and cede the territory Russia holds.
  12. Ginguy


    Pink orange blue
  13. I thought OP was going to say boobs. Now I'm mildly disappointed.
  14. @Sawdamizer Bruh, you talked mad shit and didn't make it past day 1. I'm disappointed.
  15. Got a summons for jury duty in the mail today.
  16. It could be something as simple as asking for selfies from people watching Toonami, or their pets watching Toonami. Pics from people out in public with Toonami gear, or other anime swag (ideally from shows on Toonami) and have these images serve as bumpers during the broadcast. Fan art, contests for new t-shirt designs, perhaps even a podcast or some other kind of social media engagement designed to direct people to watching Toonami. The general idea being cheap, easy to do activities which promote audience engagement and involvement. If they went with the T shirt thing you also have a direct revenue opportunity as well.
  17. I think Toonami is benefiting from a lack of major sporting events, it has enough to draw some eyeballs and keep them reasonably engaged. I do think this would be the time to begin a serious social media/broadcast audience engagement project, with the economy stalling and people finding themselves with less discretionary income, the time is right to try and build an engagement program, particularly one that is free and readily available.
  18. At this point it's almost obligatory to say Queen's Blade....
  19. I'm sure this word salad nonsense is why, and it has nothing to do with Biden regime appointees being grotesquely incompetent.
  20. Interesting, and well played by DeMarco and Co..
  21. So, how many people have been arrested for violating 18 USC 1507?
  22. I guess I get to go off on you now? First, you asked about what to do with your gazprom shares. I simply gave you an answer, since much of Russia's financial systems are under sanction and you probably can't evade them legally, so I suggested you reach out to Hunter and have him work it out with the unsanctioned Russian oligarch and advised you that the big guy gets a cut. Tongue in cheek yes, but still theoretically viable. Second, I don't care if people make fun of Trump or not. The mere fact that people get so worked up over him that they foam at the mouth is hysterical to me. It has risen to an actual disorder, and is purely the result of garbage tier media gaslighting and rage farming. So don't make the mistake of thinking I'm offended, I'm not. I'm not in the converting people business. People convert themselves when they figure out what kinds of policies work to make their lives better.
  23. Have Hunter get a hold of Elena Baturina for you. The "big guy" gets 10% though.
  24. So, this was filed.... https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2022/05/SchmittLandryFiling.pdf#page=1&zoom=auto,-18,792 The AGs of Louisiana and Missouri are suing various Democrats in their official capacity for collusion with "big tech" companies to suppress information, including information relating to Hunter Biden's laptop contents and information regarding treatment and origins of CoVid-19. Oh, speaking of Hunter's laptop and lawsuits, the owner of the repair shop has filed a defamation suit against various Democrats. "You get what you fucking deserve" -Joker
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