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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. I'm thinking Lions, Commanders or Jags for LOL. GOAT is tougher, I'm thinking Bills, Chiefs, or Cards.
  2. Game is up. Week 1 is up. Week 1 starts Sept. 8th at 8:20 pm Don't forget to pick GOAT and LOL Good luck to everyone.
  3. Week 1 Thursday 9/8 8:20 pm Bills v Rams Sunday 9/11 1:00 pm Eagles v Lions 49ers v Bears Steelers v Bengals Patriots v Dolphins Browns v Panthers Colts v Texans Saints v Falcons Ravens v Jets Jaguars v Commanders Sunday 4:25 pm Packers v Vikings Giants v Titans Raiders v Chargers Chiefs v Cardinals Sunday Night 8:20 Buccaneers v Cowboys Monday 8:15 pm Broncos v Seahawks GOAT: LOL:
  4. Rules 1. Each week the schedule will be posted. Pick the winning team, get a point. Scores will be updated on Tuesdays (schedule permitting). Please make picks easy to determine, all the same color, or leave only the team you pick. 2. Playoff games will be worth 5 points each. The Superbowl will be worth 15 points. (Changing that to be a little more competitive) 3. If you ass around and get banned tell me who to score you as, or you will be scored as a new player. 5. GOAT and LOL picks. During week 1 only, you may pick the GOAT (team with best record) and LOL (Team with worst record). A correct pick is worth 5 bonus points. A tie will be awarded to both/all teams. 6. Picks must be in before kickoff of the game being picked. If you miss Thursday's game you can still pick for the weekend. In the event that the picks are not up before Thursday's game, Thursdays game will not be counted that week. 7. The winner gets a cool custom rank and eternal glory. 8. Please keep banter/trash talking to the other NFL thread. Leaderboard Vicodines -219 Seight -206 Distortedreasoning - 205 Pooh - 195 Ginguy - 194 Starpanda - 119 MasterDebater - 56
  5. They do have that Complex C showing in October, and it is pretty short from what I've seen, so starting with Gundam in November might not be that far fetched. Also there is TYBW floating in the ether around that time. If the financing were more secure, I'd say long shot goes to both those series for a winter line-up refresh with TYBW, Gundam, Yashahime to lead things off.
  6. So, seems like Zuck admitted on Joe Rogan that the FBI told him to bury the "Laptop from hell" story. Election totally wasn't rigged though.
  7. Fauci is a flight risk, seize his passport and preserve records.
  8. Saturday was sports, and OPLive. That fits the usual pattern for late summer/early fall, particularly with the NFL season starting up. Once the NFL goes back to Sundays I think Toonami will be in better shape, having only to contend with OPLive, UFC and College Football in terms of regularly scheduled events that have significantly outperformed Toonami in key demo historically. I am not terribly concerned about one bad week, particularly with new programs coming.
  9. She wouldn't make it on the ballot in a general nationwide unless it was as a write-in. Her best chance would be diluting a crowded primary field, if there is a crowded primary field.
  10. Uh yeah, sure whatever hookers and coke and 12 hrs of Mike Lindell and Pepe memes. Meanwhile, in reality, I can't wait to see any case evidence from this unprecedented raid tossed out due to the warrant being a flagrant violation of the 4th Amendment. Might have to get some popcorn for that one.
  11. Well, they got rid of Brian Stelter today, and Jim Acosta is rumored to be next. Layoffs are to be expected considering the new CEO intends to be profitable. I hope DeMarco survives, despite any disagreements I may have regarding his decisions, he has successfully kept Toonami going through some very difficult times.
  12. She won't get 28% nationally. She would be lucky to get 5%, if that. If she really wanted to do something she would shut up and help the Lincoln Project raise money from increasingly irrelevant people like Karl Rove. Of course, last night also showed that money cannot make up for unpopular positions. Cheney had $15 million in cash and spent $7.75 of it. Harriet Hageman raised $4 million and spent $3 million. Harriet Hageman was outspent 2:1 and beat Liz Cheney 2:1. Policy and actions matter to GOP primary voters. It will literally be a suicide mission and a waste of cash. Honestly, I feel bad for her if she believes the weapons-grade cringe she says. That is a serious divergence from reality, maybe she needs to move to Colorado and "medicate" for a while.
  13. She will try. She'll do about as well as she did last night.
  14. An incumbent ignored her constituency in a big way.
  15. Harriet Hageman 66.3% Liz Cheney 28.9% Ouch.
  16. Yes. Particularly if the FBI office involved had a documented history of serious misconduct (criminal actions) regarding affidavits and warrants regarding President Obama; as is the case with President Trump. Hence, waiting and seeing what was actually seized, what its actual status is, and who swore out what in the affidavits used to apply for the warrant.
  17. Cause Tom & Jerry is awesome....
  18. I'd suggest waiting to see what actually come of this. The affidavits are what really matters in this, the warrant and receipts are pretty bland actually.
  19. @Sawdy So, I'm gonna leave these here. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/24/politics/trump-drug-prices/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/01/politics/biden-trump-drug-prices/index.html
  20. Keep in mind they black-holed Batgirl which cost them roughly $100 million because it stunk in testing. They are not kidding around, anything that doesn't perform is going to be cut. This will only increase as the current recession continues and revenues continue to shrink. Toonami might be okay since it is largely voluntary, which helps keep costs down, but I wouldn't expect much in terms of budget unless they dramatically improve ratings.
  21. The driving strength that OP Live has is not only the program itself but the engagement and social media outreach it has integrated into the format. I've consistently said that Toonami can do this and it would be beneficial. Now would be a great time to launch it as well, with new ownership you might have a favorable view of this outreach and it might generate some budgetary compensation as well.
  22. Paxlovid, the treatment that doesn't cure you. Perfect to pair with the vaccine that doesn't protect against infection.
  23. If they need to clean up the law books (and they certainly do) then by all means they should do so. That aside, the fact remains that it was not an insurrection. It was, allegedly, a seditious conspiracy, and I agree that there could certainly have been individuals conspiring to prevent the lawful execution of Federal law, such as Ray Epps. Those individuals should be investigated and prosecuted as appropriate. The grandmas who were let into the building by Capitol police and wandered aimlessly should not be charged with anything, let alone be held without access to counsel, medical, or family in solitary confinement for months on end. So, we have gone from "Hutchinson told the truth" to "the gist of the story"? Hutchinson lied under oath, (criminal offense btw but we all know that doesn't matter) and therefore it is reasonable to hold her testimony as suspect. A "heated exchange" could be anything from "Take me to the Capitol" "No" "C'mon do it" "No" to "*bleep* take me there now *bleep* "No" "Take me there or you're fired" "No" *pouting in back seat*. In either scenario at no point was that scurrilous portion of the testimony corroborated. It was however run by all the media because the goal is to discredit President Trump.
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