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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Week 17 Last Chance for Romance Sunday 12:00 Packers v Lions Jets v Bills Dolphins v Patriots Bears v Vikings Chargers v Chiefs Browns v Bengals Saints v Panthers Falcons v Buccaneers Colts v Jaguars Eagles v Giants Cardinals v Rams Steelers v Ravens Titans v Texans Raiders v Broncos Redskins v Cowboys Sunday Night 49ers v Seahawks
  2. I got spoiled on part of it last night. Fuck you house of mouse, you ruined an obvious cash cow with your utter lack of vision. This makes two franchises that JJ Abrams has ruined, come on Hollywood, get it together. Though to be fair he got dealt a garbage hand from Last Jedi....
  3. Going to hang out with friends and family mostly. At some point I have to quantify a couple of precinct by precinct reports, but that won't take long since it is mostly updating. Other than that I might do some house cleaning and finally get around to building a new open book case.
  4. I have a dinner to attend tomorrow night, then I'm off until after New Years, when I have a fundraiser to attend.
  5. I saw that on the Quartering. CATS is like high teens, SWRoS is like 57% or something. I'm not going to see either of them. I will buy Joker though.
  6. It has shitty critic reviews on Rotten Tomatoes....
  7. You'll be fine.
  8. Relax,it was a joke. Don't be so serious all the time, you'll end up bald with ulcers.
  9. So, you got nailed in the rear and you came here to make a thread about it.... 👀
  10. Yeah the range from first place to sixth place is five points. The GOAT and LOL picks are five points, and it is two points per playoff game, so it really is just about anyone's game. I'm kind of glad it is close like this, it makes it fun to see how everyone is doing.
  11. Scores and Picks are up. Be aware there is NO THURSDAY GAME. There are THREE GAMES ON SATURDAY. Also, the leader board is tightening up, so we are all really good or all really bad, but we are together. *Leaderboard* Panic - 143 Seight - 143 VicodineS - 142 Ginguy - 141 Master-Debater - 138 Pooh - 138 Starpanda - 134 Distoredreasoning - 123 Molarbear - 106 Scoobdog - 95
  12. WEEK 16 Saturday Texans v Buccaneers 12:00pm Bills v Patriots 3:30 pm Rams v 49ers 7:15pm Sunday Steelers v Jets Saints v Titans Panthers v Colts Bengals v Dolphins Ravens v Browns Jaguars v Falcons Giants v Redskins Lions v Broncos Raiders v Chargers Cardinals v Seahawks Cowboys v Eagles Chiefs v Bears Monday Packers v Vikings
  13. I've seen both movies in OP on Starz, so they aren't in Netflix jail. Honestly though they should just air Queen's Blade uncut cause fuck it.
  14. The fail will be correspondingly Bengal-esque next week....
  15. Heresy.... Commissar, do your duty....
  16. Got cornbread to go with the chili?
  17. Don't use hot tap water to brew tea. Also, cigarette butts are not acceptable as "tea leaves".
  18. People wonder why the comic universe reboot didn't work out so well....
  19. Only his career apparently....
  20. Yeah, there is never an excuse for liking Weezer.....
  21. Well, yeah, I suppose. Having been to a bunch of these dinners, I'd honestly rather hear a 30 second clip. The pricing however remains insane, given that most of these people I have never heard of, and I follow these things.
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