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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Same but what I really want is that green tea ginger ale of theirs that I haven't seen in years.
  2. I have no social life so why not.
  3. "In contrast to the buttoned-down, PowerPoint-proficient defense lawyers, Beard was not ready for a stage like this. Too often his response to Chupp about an exhibit or fact was “at this time, I can’t find it.” Beard later reacted with surprise when Chupp indicated he had dropped all the claims against March: “Wait, defamation was dismissed as well?” “Yes, I said that a long time ago,” Chupp had to point out. In another exchange, a slightly exasperated Chupp said, “Am I not being clear?” Beard responded, “No, your honor, it’s that I’m not listening“ -- to which the judge said, “It would help if you would.” When your so-called friends hook you up with a lawyer like this, who needs enemies? 😂
  4. Fun fact that I learned today that was alluded to in the video of tears, some courts will allow you to have your phone out if you have a Bar card. Nick R-whatever, who is totally a real lawyer, didn't have a Bar card for some reason, so he was unable to livetweet that fiasco. Mignogna's supporters had to get their info from the terrible SJWs who had multiple people there with Bar cards. 😏
  5. 🤣I'm still laughing!
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOHMYFUCKINGGODHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GASP!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I was wrong. HAHAHAHA. These bozos aren't the 3 Stooges, they're a Harvey Birdman cartoon! Oh god, my stomach hurts from laughing so much. Okay...okay. *Deepbreathahahahahahahahahaha! Okay, I'm good. Oh man. The great thing about working from home is that when I'm procrastinating, I'll get bored and read random shit. So I said fuck it and read the recent case filings so I could catch up on the specifics of what went down after the deposition. I have never seen such an incompetent group of lawyers in my whole life outside of a cartoon. When they weren't filing shit late, outright lying, failing to do the most basic of lawyer shit like cite references(not just a couple, I mean over a dozen times), they forged notarized signatures(for the affidavits) and even fucked that up. These dumbfucks were too stupid to put fake dates with the fake signatures, so they used the deadline's date; when the witnesses were off at fucking conventions. Ty Beard couldn't make up some excuse because he tweeted out his photo from his office, so everyone knew his exact location in relation to the others. Beard's fuck-up was so great, that they had to send in another attorney to babysit him. Just..wow. Fast forward to today when there was a hearing. Ty Beard came to court completely unprepared. When asked for evidence against Marchi, the most he could do was present tweets, or answer that the defense had the evidence in their documents that he had received but didn't make/bring copies for himself. At one point, he went full 'The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence,' and it was so cringey. The judge did not sound amused by that. Since Ty Beard could produce absolutely nothing of value and could only cite Toye's statement which he attributed to Marchi: The case against her was completely dismissed along with multiple claims against the others. The judge will decide on the rest of the hoopla later. Defamation and conspiracy(I think) are what's left for Rial, Toye, and Funimation. I will add that it's night and day comparing the defense's attorneys to Mignogna's. Their filings were practical, and it was as if they wanted them compared to the 1000+ page documents that Beard and co shot out of their asses.
  7. The usual crap. I just have to keep an eye on my health until Fall swings in with lower temps.
  8. Shut up, Scrappy!
  9. Why would you do this? All the shut up Scoobs!
  10. I want to say DO EEETT! But like don't 😆.
  11. We have diners, but the decently priced and most well known was a major letdown. So all the food Naraku posted is on the menu, but they look nothing like that. Like, why even go all out with the old school metal diner exterior if your food is gonna be subpar? Luckily, we do have better sandwich shops, so I at least get those options elsewhere.
  12. He's only said it in the 1st Avengers movie I think. It's just really popular because of how relatable it is, and it's from a movie that a shit load of people saw.
  13. I'm sorry, but what have you posted?
  14. My sickly ass almost passed out at an outlet mall this weekend, so I definitely couldn't have handled it. Next year, I'll try to make it again. Congrats on getting that Dr. Girlfriend, and that shot glass is cute.
  15. Yes because how dare women speak out about sexual assault when the perpetrators might react badly to facing consequences for what they've done. And since you want to play stupid, here's a link to a quote from Holowka's sister saying not to blame Zoe Quinn: https://kotaku.com/night-in-the-woods-designer-alec-holowka-dies-1837783073 You will always be trash.
  16. I don't understand how people become delusional like this. Ever since the the gamergate situation brought this type of mentality into the light, it's stumped me.
  17. It's like there's a shield over your brain that blocks out any normal reading comprehension ability. In your fucked up brain, because of one shitty dude who's honestly irrelevant compared to what Sony/Funimation dug up, there should be doubt about Vic's guilt. Funimation made it clear through their attorney's questions that they have something on his ass, or Mignogna wouldn't have reacted that way to some of what they asked him. And only a fraction of what was found even needed to be put out there because Mignogna's case is probably gonna be thrown out. Because again, his own words fucked him over. HIS...OWN...WORDS...FUCKED...HIM...OVER. Hopefully the last part looks like it was written in crayon so you can understand it.
  18. You're looking at things in the sense of internet idjit. Anyone actually interested in the legal proceedings are laughing at this shit and sharing it among their peers to also laugh at. That's what happens when someone like Vic is so damn stupid and hires a legal team quite possibly even dumber than he is. Him suing Funimation after putting out a statement that he would do better opened this can of worms. Him hiring the two Stooges was also a personal choice. When someone fucks up their own life purely by his own ego, while causing harm to others, they don't get sympathy except from people like you. For the tenth time, this isn't a criminal case. This is a lawsuit that he started, so the burden of evidence is on him. THE BURDEN OF EVIDENCE IS ON VIC MIGNOGNA AND HE PRACTICALLY ADMITTED TO EVERYTHING IN THE DEPOSITION BECAUSE HE'S A DUMBFUCK! You ignoring everything that was posted in this thread won't change the words that came out of his mouth, including him not remembering if he was asked to resign from his teaching job for inappropriate behavior with a student. Unless he received a brain injury, he remembers that answer, but people like you willfully block stuff like that out of your mind because this predator is a voice actor for anime and can do no wrong.
  19. You've ignored all the links in this thread, including that dumbfuck's own words, but you're totally flexible about your views? As for me, if a guy has been creeping on underage girls for over a decade, with years of witness accounts backing that up(including me seeing how fucking weird he was with my own eyes), I'm going to rightfully believe that he's guilty as fuck.
  20. ...............No. I just poach the hot dogs first and then throw them on the grill. I have never seen anyone do that before.
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