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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. There's no need to be embarrassed unless you live like Nab or Packard. Plenty of folks here have been in the broke as fuck club(myself currently) and can't say nothin' to you.
  2. Aww, he's one of those singers whose music has been with me since I was born.
  3. Fuck guillotines. That's too quick of a way to die.
  4. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the fuck did my governor have to be the dumbest sack of shit who had to steal an election?
  5. Why you gotta post the crying Pikachu baby?
  6. Get out.
  7. At least McConnell, goddammit. I need the universe to at least give me that.
  8. Fuck power. Get your money and lunch!
  9. Are you getting more pay for this?
  10. That bitch better crawl back into her hole. Ain't nobody got time to play with her.
  11. God-fucking-dammit! Some deity could have given me the common sense of a college-aged suburban white girl for like two minutes the other night. I heard someone knocking at 9:30 p.m. and didn't answer it because at that time of night, it's a stranger and they better move the fuck on. I did peek out the window after what I assumed was enough time for them to leave and saw nothing. Fast forward to today, and I spotted something by the door that I maybe sort of noticed yesterday but forgot to check. After walking to the door, it turned out to be a full ass bag of Taco Bell. So I guess a neighbor got a Doordash delivery or whatever and it was dropped at the wrong house. *Sigh* A full ass bag, just wasted 😫.
  12. I've been working from home, but my productivity is shit thinking about all my family members with health problems(a lot), if their jobs will still be around, and how fucked up everything is going to get. Today, I have to get work done just to make sure I have money still coming in.
  13. You're not alone. I still buy them, but I'll offer real juice to people when they come over.
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Call stores near you to know when they get more toilet paper in, so you can get your ass there early. And make sure it's a store that's limiting how much per customer.
  16. Oh lawd. When my brother asks in a sweet voice have we watched the news, it's always something. Why y'all gotta stab each other over water? You save that crazy shit for NY or FL.
  17. Please don't ever let me be alone in a room with that man because I will go to prison.
  18. That's what I was gonna say 😆.
  19. @Naraku4656, wellness check...
  20. She ain't wrong. I've seen many discussions like this before about shounen manga once it started whooping regular comics' asses, but MHA really did nail the tropes that both fans of X-Men and shounen were asking for. The big American companies never learn though. They only want shitty stories with barely any creativity to them, I've heard they're a nightmare to work for unless you're in one of their little boys' clubs that have problems with sexual harassment/racism, and they ignore so much awesome talent who said fuck them and made bank publishing their own comics. And as for that nonsense under your post, those sorry attempts at being more inclusive were bullshit usually written by white dudes who didn't respect women or ever spoke to any minorities, and that showed in their work. That's why when people want more inclusive stories, the requests are from a top-down level which means writers, artists, and editors. Which again, the big companies just don't get and put out weird ass failures that are just insulting.
  21. Why the fuck couldn't I see that tweet about Ted Cruz before pretending to take the moral high ground in an argument? Now I can't be petty! Goddammit!
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