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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I like her and her style. She definitely hooked up with someone good on the beats. [soundcloud] [/soundcloud]
  2. Detective Conan 746
  3. Detective Conan Movie 18: Dimensional Sniper
  4. And me shipping her character with Ripley.
  5. This. Hell, there are complete series sets cheaper than what a 4 episode dvd used to cost back in the day.
  6. Honorable mention for Florence and the Machine because I use their music a lot while writing dark stories.
  7. That's because I'm tapped out on goth bands and can only think of songs. Scott Matthew - Beauty is Within Us http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x31guzm Scott Matthew - Be Human http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x25i3m3
  8. I wish we could see a video of this. I've seen oral defenses of other subjects, but never this one.
  9. I want to watch D. Gray Man Hallow some time next month, so I decided to finally finish the original series first. The plan was I rewatch from 50's up so I remember what was happening before I put it on hold, but it annoyed me not remembering what everyone's motivations for fighting the demons were and now I'm back to watching it from the beginning. It's not as big of a chore as I thought it would be because this show is really good at getting you to care about characters not long after they appear, and I get to see Miranda Lotto's introduction again. I rewatched 50-75 and then jumped back to 1-5 and will continue forward from that spot.
  10. That drawn on mustache is an instant turnoff for me.
  11. Best - twixes Worst - homemade treats. Trick-or-treaters are kids rolling by strangers' homes one night of the year, and for some reason a few folks think that I'm supposed to trust your barely wrapped clump of whatever shit you threw together in a kitchen I ain't stepped foot inside of before. Hell no! And even if I was tempted, my parents chunked anything homemade into the trash as soon as we got back home.
  12. Detective Conan 725
  13. Damn that sucks. I hope you have people to talk to if you do start feeling it more later.
  14. If anyone has Showtime Beyond, MGM, or Sony channel, they're playing a bunch of horror movies.
  15. My joints are fucked, so I simulate running with one leg up and the other flat on the floor while leaning my shoulder against a wall. It's been very helpful for reducing pain during exercise, and I can workout longer.
  16. This is the only time in my life that I have ever considered having a bird as a pet. Also, on the first page, your avatar looks like it's dancing to the song.
  17. Detective Conan 717
  18. Someone's got Lannister Fever.
  19. Nope. I was only into comedic Dracula movies from back then until I saw Christopher Lee's vampire movies. Actually, I change my vote to him.
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