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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. parchment
  2. I did. I'm just too broke to justify buying that bread even though it does look delicious.
  3. Being depressed and paranoid about any muscle twinge in my chest and obsessively writing.
  4. Yup. I've seen it on there a few times.
  5. unnecessary
  6. Of course I remember the only good part about Hustle and Flow this many posts later.
  7. *Rubs hands together* TCM has another fun cheesy night with Willard and Ben. Willard(got remade with Crispin Glover in 2003) is about a man befriending killer rats and Ben is like a younger version of that character with a big Michael Jackson song as it's namesake.
  8. I would bite my tongue to not ask Dexter questions, but luckily, conventions have taught me how to be chill around famous folks.
  9. More like I can't work on anything else until these words are out of my head.
  10. Writing stuff that I'm not supposed to be working on tonight.
  11. Just smile, say "Good morning," and try to find something else to concentrate on while she's there. Like the coffee. Maybe think about the brand, how it's made, the color, the smell, or what makes it different from other coffees as a sort of distraction technique while she's there.
  12. chocolate
  13. Why would you think that?
  14. Which is why before something can happen to your computer, it's always a good idea to have copies saved to Google Drive, Dropbox, a flash drive, or emailed to yourself.
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