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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. NFL-related even though it involves college football: Remember when my Houston Cougars wore Oilers-inspired alternate uniforms in their season opener against UTSA? Well, the NFL and the Tennessee Titans have sent a cease-and-desist letter to the University of Houston demanding the school to refrain from using the uniforms in the future. Link to story via Chron.com Personally, I think the author of the piece is exactly right. This could've been a great opportunity for everyone involved. But the NFL wanted to throw its weight around. That said, all of this could have been avoided had UH just asked the NFL and the Tennessee Titans organization (read: Titans owner Amy Adams Strunk, daughter of franchise founder Bud Adams) for permission to make and use the unis. Oh, well. NFL gonna NFL.
  2. Unfortunately, that won't happen because Anthem Media Group owns both Impact Wrestling and AXS TV. Now maybe Anthem decides they want to increase viewership by getting cable and satellite companies to include them in less expensive tv packages. That's the only way I see them increasing their weekly viewing numbers.
  3. Hot chocolate with marshmallows is my number one. I also like egg nog cut with regular milk. (It's something I drink in honor and memory of my dad. He loved drinking it every year around Christmas while he was alive.) Straight egg nog is just too rich for me.
  4. Impact Wrestling actually has great wrestling now. Now if they could only work on getting better camera angles...
  5. “All up in yo’ ass with the resurrection!” I love Office Space. 😂🤣
  6. I do, too. (Well, from what I've seen, at least. I really need to get Hulu so I can watch it from the beginning.) Thank you. I was going to say I could totally pull off any character Matt Berry's ever played. I just need to be completely over the top with my delivery and make sure I include a nearly flawless English accent. I also need to get a wig because I'm losing my hair. Yay. ;_; lol
  7. Yes, he is. He most certainly is. If I had a kid, I would've taken him or her trick or treating last night, though I probably would've dressed up as Matt Berry from What We Do in the Shadows. (Laszlo Cravensworth.) "Well, I'm gonna take my hat back, you crispy piece of shit!"
  8. Well, as soon as I posted it, I realized that the way I said what I said could've made it seem like I was being a little snarky. Okay then. Just regular Noel Fielding then. (Though he always seems to be in some kind of character no matter what. lol)
  9. You should've gone as Noel Fielding when he played Richmond Avenal in the I.T. Crowd for Halloween last night. *shrugs*
  10. Dipping cheddar cheese into soy sauce is awesome. I don't care what anybody says.
  11. All I'm gonna say, Naraku, is that Hamas, the terrorist organization that literally slaughtered 30 defenseless babies, literally has the annihilation of Israel and the Jews as its mission in its own charter. Also, don't ever tag me again. I've stayed out of this folder because politics is bullshit.
  12. Happy Birthday, Bnmjy! Hope you enjoy yourself today.
  13. First post-divorce selfie. I look tired (because I am). But damn it, I’m happy as hell to finally be able to move on with my life. Edit: lol Forgot selfie.
  14. Is it me or does he kinda remind you of Ted from Scrubs? (By the way, ghostie, that's not a bad thing.)
  15. Sleep deprivation coupled with insomnia sucks ass. Can I just go back to being 18 and skinny so I can actually be merely marginally affected by this crap, please? Thank you.
  16. Also, @Rogue_Alphonse and @Vela. Because reasons. >_>
  17. Actually, yes.
  18. In some ways, it definitely can be. The meal itself is epic! And as a sports fan (well, a football fan, especially), it's one of the best days of the year.
  19. No. Also, my name isn't Tommy. (The name of the Who's seminal 1969 rock opera.) Or Tom Petty, may he rest in peace.
  20. And, as Pete Townshend wrote, freedom tastes of reality.
  21. That's horrible. I'm so sorry.
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